The Big Lie: Democrats Help Blacks (Libya Example)

In 2011, the Obama/Biden administration joined France, England, and certain Arab allies to wage war through a surrogate army to kill the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi (Gaddafi). They pre planned the war with a high official in Gaddafi’s government, Nouri Mesmari, who defected to France. For several months, Nouri Mesmari recruited Libyan militants in Benghazi to pose as peaceful protesters rebelling against Gaddafi. Sarkozy and Mesmari created a rebel sham government riddled with terrorists.

WikiLeaks emails showed the motive to overthrow Gaddafi was to achieve economic benefit for the US, UK, and France. Sarkozy, the Obama/Biden administration, and British Prime Minister David Cameron made a deal with the sham government that NATO would help the rebels overthrow Gaddafi in exchange for the rebels giving large oil and infrastructure contracts to French, American, and British companies. The French president Nicolas Sarkozy wanted Gaddafi killed because a captured Gaddafi would testify that he made a 50 million Euro illegal contribution to Sarkozy’s 2007 presidential campaign. This revelation would have destroyed Sarkozy’s career and landed him in prison.

On February 15, 2011, anti-government protests began in Benghazi, Libya and spread to other cities. Armed rebels, including defectors from the Libyan army, took over cities and an airbase, and Gaddafi’s forces fought to regain control. France told the U.N. Security Council about the Libyan army’s human rights abuses and possible genocide, arguing “We have very little time left — perhaps only a matter of hours” to protect civilians. Benghazi has the highest per capita number of terrorists in the world. Many of the “rebels” in Benghazi hate Blacks, and they began hanging and burning alive guest workers from Chad. This was the start of their Black genocide.

The Obama/Biden administration, France, and the UK quickly got the Security Council Resolution 1973 approved on March 17, 2011 to authorize a “humanitarian” intervention. They lied to get it passed by saying it was only for NATO to establish a no-fly zone. NATO began bombing two days later, on March 19, 2011.

Libya under Gaddafi was peaceful and the most highly developed country in Africa. Gaddafi’s London-educated son, Saif, was quickly improving Libya’s economy, educational system, and human rights record. Women in Libya were well-educated and very well-represented in all professions. NATO and its surrogate “rebel” army waged an offensive war to kill Gaddafi. The war devastated Libya. At least 20,000 innocent people needlessly died, 20,000 wounded, 400,000 displaced. They destroyed the most highly developed country in Africa to get a greater share of Libya’s oil wealth. The Obama/Biden administration, NATO, French, the U.K, allies, and their “rebel” surrogate army committed Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes such as murder and bombing innocent civilians in cities, including women and children, Black genocide, illegal regime change. The Obama/Biden administration violated the U.S. Assassination ban. Obama bragged that he accomplished this for only “a billion dollars.”

The Obama/Biden administration coined the phrase “Leading from behind” to describe their Libyan war strategy.[1] “Leading from behind” is a euphemism meant to hide the evil facts. The Obama/Biden administration led a war with a surrogate “rebel” army to avoid American troops on the ground. The US military and its NATO and Mideast allies led the war with command and control military personnel on the ground guiding the rebels and NATO bombers and illegally provided military weapons to their surrogate army.

One Nuremburg Principle states: “Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity as set forth in Principle VI is a crime under international law.” As such, the Obama/Biden administration, Sarkozy, Cameron, NATO, Arab allies, and the “rebel” surrogate army committed these crimes under international law.

NATO left Libya as soon as Gaddafi was assassinated. They left Libya with ruined infrastructure, warring militias, no government, Gaddafi’s massive weapons stockpiles, and terrorist havens. They destroyed a peaceful prosperous country of 6 million people so US, French, and British companies could profit more from Libyan oil wealth and to prevent Gaddafi from helping former French African colonies gain economic independence. One of the most powerful rebel militia leaders in the sectarian violence is the Libyan-American Khalifa al-Hiftar, who is accused of committing unlawful executions, torture, beheadings and bombing schools. Over 180,000 Libyans fled to Italy to escape the violence. Biden bragged that the United States “didn’t lose a single life,” and “this is more of the prescription for how to deal with the world as we go forward than it has been in the past.”

Obama, Biden, Clinton, Sarkozy, Cameron, and the rebel leadership committed international crimes of the same magnitude as the brutal African dictators tried in the International Criminal Court (ICC). As such, they should also be held accountable before the ICC for their crimes.

Obama, Biden, and Clinton should also be prosecuted by the US Department of Justice for criminal violations of US laws. For example, they violated the US assassination ban when a military command center in Las Vegas fired a drone at Gaddafi’s convoy of 50 vehicles fleeing from the city of Sirte in an attempt to kill him.

As will be documented in my next post, the Obama/Biden administration committed War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Syria that exacted a human toll orders of magnitude greater than their crimes in Libya.

The violence, warring militias, and lack of a central government has continued unabated since 2011. President Trump intervened to achieve peace for the first time in 9 years. Trump talked to the leaders of nations such as Egypt and Turkey to prevent outside military intervention in Libya. Trump’s diplomat Stephanie Williams brokered a peace deal in which Libya’s warring sides signed an agreement for ‘a permanent ceasefire in all areas’ in what the UN calls a ‘historic achievement.’ [2] This Trump’s fourth peace deal in the Middle East so far.

The difference between Trump’s peace deals and Obama/Biden’s wars, international crimes, and human suffering is exceedingly stark.

Biden and the Democrats say they want racial justice for Blacks, and equality for women. Their actions, however, clearly demonstrate that they do not care about Blacks or women. They only care about gaining power and money through their lofty rhetoric about them. The Obama/Biden administration helped Sarkozy prevent Gaddafi from helping impoverished Black African nations achieve economic independence from France. In so doing, they were complicit in Black genocide and a tremendous retrogression of women’s rights in Libya.

As described in my prior post, the Obama/Biden administration prevented the anti-corruption candidate Mirande Manigat from becoming Haiti’s first female president in order to get a corrupt musician as their puppet president so they could plunder the aid donations after the devastating 2010 earthquake.

Everyone should watch Shelby Steele’s incredible new documentary “What Killed Michael Brown?” to learn the truth about how Biden and the Democrats are using Blacks as pawns to gain power and money.


Libya was an Italian colony. On 24 December 1951, Libya declared its independence as a monarchy ruled by King Idris. Idris was located in Benghazi, the capital of Cyrenaica region in eastern Libya, and he was also the head of the Sanusi Muslim Sufi order. Idris favored the Cyrenaica region to the detriment of the western Tripolitania region, which has over 60% of Libya’s population. Gaddafi took advantage of the dissatisfaction and headed a bloodless military coup that overthrew King Idris. Libya’s capital was moved from Benghazi to Tripoli.

Libya has 140 tribes, 30 of which are significant. Tribal identity is fundamental in Libyan political power. Whoever controls the tribes, controls Libya.

Coastal Libya has been divided into two distinct provinces since before the time of the Romans — Tripolitania in the west around Tripoli and Cyrenaica around Benghazi.

The division between the tribes in the northwestern Tripolitania region and the northeastern Cyrenaica region is very deep. The evolution of Gaddafi’s regime and tribal dynamics are key factors in the 2011 war and the aftermath.

In the 1990s, economically depressed Cyrenaica saw the rise of anti-Gaddafi groups among the former Sanusi tribes. The best known was the [Libyan] Islamic Fighting Group [LIFG], which was associated with veterans of the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan who returned to challenge Gaddafi.”[3]

The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) called Gaddafi’s government “an apostate regime that has blasphemed against the faith of God Almighty” and declaring its overthrow to be “the foremost duty after faith in God.” Bin Laden financed them and the LIFG fought Gaddafi over the years, and almost assassinated him in 1996.

Following 9/11, Gaddafi informed the Bush administration of the LIFG members affiliated with al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. The State Department then officially designated LIFG as a terrorist organization.

The LIFG declared in 2007 that it was affiliated with al Qaeda, and changed its name to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). [4]

Gaddafi’s Libya was a terrorist-sponsoring pariah nation until 2003, when Gaddafi gave up his weapons of mass destruction. Subsequently the U.S. and European nations gave full diplomatic recognition, Gaddafi nurtured business partnerships. Britain, France and other European nations’ weapons sales to Libya amounted to more than $470 million in 2009. Libya prospered.

Regime Change Planning

Investigations and documents revealed by WikiLeaks show Sarkozy’s and the Obama/Biden administration’s goal was a Libyan regime change war.

Documents leaked to the Italian Newspaper Libero revealed that Gaddafi’s chief of protocol, Nouri Mesmari, went to France and worked with the French intelligence service to plan Gaddafi’s overthrow in November 2010. “In the documents, the French secret services refer to Mesmari as ‘The Libyan WikiLeaks’ because he gave them all the inside information about the regime as well as an account of who’s who in Libya and who they should or should not contact. With all the inside information, the Italians claim that by mid-January the French had paved the way for the beginning of the revolution against Gaddafi.” [5]

Blumenthal said “Sarkozy’s plans are driven by the following issues: [6]

  1. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,
  2. Increase French influence in North Africa,
  3. Improve his internal political situation in France,
  4. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world,
  5. Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi’s long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in Francophone Africa.”
    1. Blumenthal says: “Gaddafi planned to use his $7 billion of gold and silver to create a pan-African currency “to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA).” “French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya.”

Strong circumstantial evidence supporting Blumenthal’s list includes:

  • “Liberation newspaper published a copy of a letter in Arabic from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Libya, the forerunner to the rebels’ council, addressed to Qatar, in which the rebels apparently refer to a deal to give 35% of Libya’s crude to France in return for supporting the rebellion.
  • Gaddafi did in fact have $7 billion in gold and silver and was pursuing a gold-backed currency.
  • Crude oil was France’s biggest import in 2010 so the cost of oil is a significant standard of living factor. Italy had locked in a favored status with Gaddafi, to the disadvantage of France. The Italian oil giant ENI was already the largest foreign oil operator in Libya when contracts signed in 2008 protected its preferred position there until 2047. In a 2009 treaty signed in 2009, Italy agreed to Libya pay $5 billion over 20 years. The treaty was expected to benefit Italian engineering and construction firms with Libyan infrastructure project contracts. [7]
  • Sarkozy had a record low favorability of 17% in the polls.

Additional motivations the EU/NATO and US had to remove Gaddafi from power include:

  • Gaddafi had increasingly awarded large infrastructure contracts to China, Egypt, and Russia and large military contracts to Russia instead of the EU and the US. France, the Obama/Biden administration and the UK made a deal with their “rebel” leadership that NATO would help them overthrow Gaddafi if they would give the business to French, US, and UK companies.
  • Gaddafi opposed the US African command (AFRICOM) putting bases in African nations, calling it the recolonization of Africa. An article in “Modern Ghana” explains, “He [Gaddafi] paid African leaders to refuse to cooperate with AFRICOM by offering investment and infrastructure and offering cash to African countries that refused to host US military base on their soil and who refused to cooperate with AFRICOM. Gaddafi actually paid each African leader twice the amount of money they received from the USA government. Libya under Muammar Gaddafi was really the biggest obstacle to the plan of subordinating African Union Forces to AFRICOM. This led to the refusal of AFRICOM bases in many Africa countries.”[8]
  • The European Union (EU) profited greatly by selling telecommunications services to poor African nations at high rates. Gaddafi caused the EU to lose those profits when he contributed $300 million so Africa could obtain its own satellite for telecommunications.

The Rebel Leadership have Terrorist Organization Ties

Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime Clinton confidante, told her that the French intelligence service met with the rebels in late February and gave them “money and guidance” to set up a council, and told them that France would recognize it as the new government of Libya. In return, the rebels agreed to “favor French firms and national interests, particularly regarding the oil industry in Libya.” [9]

The first protest was on February 17, the rebel Transitional National Council (TNC) in Benghazi was established on February 27, and France recognized it as the new government of Libya on March 10. The extremely short duration of 21 days from first protest to recognizing the rebels as the new Libyan government implies advance planning.

On Feb. 21, four days after the first protest, rebels took over 9 cities. Gaddafi faced an armed organized insurrection of people seeking to overthrow him. Gaddafi’s army and air force attacked them to regain the cities.

A fact finding mission by experts in May found that “the ‘revolution’ is neither democratic nor spontaneous. It consists of an armed uprising in the Eastern part of the country, driven by revenge and rebellion …. The Libyan insurgency cannot therefore be compared to the popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt.” “the West must beware that his [Gaddafi’s] replacement may result in a more radical … regime.” [10]

A 2007 West Point report analyzed 600 al-Qaeda personnel files obtained by the military in Iraq. It found the most jihadists per capita fighting U.S. coalition forces in Iraq were from Libya, mostly the cities Benghazi and Derna in Eastern Libya. Tripoli was not significant.

Blumenthal told Clinton that “Sarkozy is also concerned about continuing reports that radical/terrorist groups such as the Libyan Fighting Groups and Al Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) are infiltrating the NLC [the rebel’s National Transitional Council] and its military command.” Eastern Libya and Benghazi have the highest per capita number of terrorists in the world.

Only 13 of the TNC’s 31 members were public as of May. “The TNC is dominated by representatives from the North East and does not have any representatives from the Centre and South of the country, nor from Tripoli.” [11]

The following rebel leaders are in Islamic terrorist organizations:

  • Abdulhakim Belhaj (aka Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi) is a Libyan rebel leader commanding 1,000 men and a founding member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), which both the U.S. and Britain list as a terrorist organization. He said in a March 22, 2011 interview that some of the jihadists who fought the U.S. in Iraq are fighting with the rebels. [12]
  • “One of the Libyan Rebel Brigade commanders, Ahmed Abu Khattala, would later be involved in the terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.” [13]
  • In March, al-Qaeda issued a call for supporters to back the Libyan rebellion, which it said would lead to the imposition of “the stage of Islam” in the country.
  • The radical Islamist rebels refused to take orders from non-Islamist commanders and assassinated the rebel military leader, Abdel Fattah Younes. [14]

The proof that the rebels included significant terrorist elements came at the end of the war. Among the many militias currently fighting in Libya are the following jihadist militias, all from eastern Libya:[15]

  • Al-Qaeda’s Libyan affiliate, Ansar al-Sharia, is most prominent in eastern Libyan cities, such as Benghazi
  • A coalition of Islamist militias, the Benghazi Revolutionaries Shura Council is made up of groups including Ansar al-Sharia, the 17 February Brigade and the Rafallah al-Sahati Brigade.
  • The al-Qaeda-affiliated group, the Derna Mujahidin Shura Council, is a coalition of Islamist militias. Derna is in Eastern Libya.

NATO wages war under the guise of a UN sponsored ‘Humanitarian’ action

On February 17, 2011, anti-government protests began in Benghazi, Libya and spread to other cities. Armed rebels, including defectors from the Libyan army, took over cities and an airbase, and Gaddafi’s forces fought to regain control. France told the U.N. Security Council about the Libyan army’s human rights abuses and possible genocide, arguing “We have very little time left — perhaps only a matter of hours” to protect civilians.

On March 14th in Paris, Clinton met with Sarkozy and then then met 45 minutes with Mahmoud Jibril, the interim leader of Libya’s Transitional National Council. The next day on March 15th, Clinton and Obama spoke and agreed to pursue a military intervention and 5 days later NATO began bombing Gaddafi’s army. The news reports on these meetings were just propaganda to hide the fact preparations for war were made before the very first protest on February 17,2011. The proof is a February 21, 1011 letter, only four days after the first protest, from 85 non-governmental agencies (NGO’s) sent to the UN and President Obama.[16] The letter is a complex legal document citing esoteric international law. Examples of NGO signatories are Physicians for Human Rights, World Federation for Mental Health, Catholic International Education Office. It is very obvious that the letter’s creator has a list of NGOs that will blindly sign a human rights letter for them. One sentence provides a clue on who wrote the letter: “Under the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document, you have a clear and unambiguous responsibility to protect the people of Libya.” Samantha Power, a highly influential foreign policy adviser to President Obama, is the most prominent advocate of the Responsibility to Protect doctrine through “humanitarian interventionism.” It is highly likely that Power, who advised Obama to intervene in Libya, wrote the letter. Another clue of US pre planning is that the president of The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was a signatory. NED is a $180-million-a-year US government-funded quasi-private organization that intervenes in the internal affairs of numerous foreign countries by providing funding and aid to select political organizations and dissident movements.

Secretary of State Clinton, French President Sarkozy, and British Prime Minister Cameron quickly got the Security Council Resolution 1973 on March 17, 2011. The intent of UN Security Council Resolution 1973 was to implement a no-fly zone to protect civilians. Clinton said a no-fly zone does not work. The Resolution is an almost exact replica of the NGOs letter. The primary difference is that Clinton added “all necessary means” to protect civilians. NATO used this phrase as a blank check to bomb Gaddafi’s troops and military facilities everywhere, including within cities, with no limitations.

Russia had a ceasefire added to seek a peaceful resolution. Clinton worked with Russia and China so they would not veto 1973. As a result, they abstained explaining “The representatives of China and the Russian Federation, explaining their abstentions, prioritized peaceful means of resolving the conflict and said that many questions had not been answered in regard to provisions of the resolution, including, as the Russian representative put it, how and by whom the measures would be enforced and what the limits of the engagement would be.  He said the resolution included a sorely needed ceasefire, which he had called for earlier.”  [17]

  • Sergey Ivanovich Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to the U.S., told The Times that “The U.N. Security Council resolution on Libya was meant to create a no-fly zone to prevent bombing of civilians,” said Mr. Kislyak. “NATO countries that participated in this intervention were supposed to patrol the area. However, in a short amount of time the NATO flights — initially meant to stop violence on the ground — went far beyond the scope of the Security Council-mandated task and created even more violence in Libya.” [18]
  • “It may be impossible to get the same kind of resolution in similar circumstances, and we already saw that in Syria where the Russians were very suspicious when Western powers went to the U.N.,” said Richard Northern, who served as the British ambassador to Libya during part of the conflict. [19]

The UN approved Resolution 1973 on March 17, 2011,and NATO began bombing two days later on March 19, only 30 days after the first protest. This is an incredibly short time to plan and initiate a military action. Special forces had been on the ground – British SAS special forces were discovered in Benghazi on March 6th, well before Resolution 1973 was passed. Putting troops in a sovereign state violates international law. [20]

  • The International Court of Justice (ICJ) held in Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua that “financial support, training, supply of weapons, intelligence and logistic support” amount to intervention.
  • Similarly, in the Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation, the U.N. General Assembly stated that organizing, instigating, assisting, financing, or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts in another’s state, or “acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of such acts” constituted unlawful intervention. The ICJ later characterized this statement as accurately reflecting customary international law.

Misinformation Campaign

The US, British, and French spread a misinformation campaign, with media complicity, to get Resolution 1973 passed and gain worldwide support for the intervention. Some examples include:[21]

  • The Libyan army and the rebels were both committing many human rights abuses, but the Obama/Biden administration, and the media only mentioned the Libyan army’s abuses. For example, on February 18, protestors in Bayda executed 50 people, mostly from Chad. Some were burned alive and others were hanged. Blumenthal told Clinton that “Rebel “troops continue to summarily execute all foreign mercenaries captured in the fighting.” This was the beginning of the rebels’ Black genocide. Many people in Eastern Libya hated Blacks and falsely told the media that they were mercenaries for Gaddafi. In fact, there were Black Libyans descended from the slave trade through Libya. Also, many Libyans did not like doing manual work. Due to the labor shortage, Gaddafi brought in contractors from Chad and other African nations to do construction work. The rebels burned alive, hanged, and executed Blacks by other means because they hated them – they were not Gaddafi’s soldiers.
  • Clinton pushed a false genocide narrative saying “Imagine we were sitting here and Benghazi had been overrun, a city of 700,000 people, and tens of thousands of people had been slaughtered, hundreds of thousands had fled. … The cries would be, ‘Why did the United States not do anything?’”
    • Human Rights Watch (HRW) did not find strong evidence suggesting an impending slaughter by the time NATO intervened. “Our assessment was that up until that point, the casualty figures—around 350 protesters killed by indiscriminate fire of government security forces—didn’t rise to the level of indicating that a genocide or genocide-like mass atrocities were imminent,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of HRW’s Middle East and North Africa Division. “We have a killer in Egypt next door who killed far more protesters than Gaddafi ever did, who’s being rewarded with U.S. arms. So I don’t think the U.S. has a consistent standard,” Whitson said. [22]
    • U.S. intelligence did not find evidence of this (Washington Times: U.S. intelligence officials told The Washington Times that the government had “gathered no specific evidence of an impending genocide in Libya in spring 2011.”).
    • The army took back towns in February from the rebels without attacking civilians.
    • Gadhafi confidant Mohammed Ismael told the former U.S. ambassador to Libya, Gene Cretz on March 18th that the regime’s highest-ranking generals were under orders not to fire upon protesters. “I told him we were not targeting civilians and Seif {Gaddafi] told him that,” Mr. Ismael told The Times in a telephone interview this month, recounting the fateful conversation. [23]
    • “On 20 March 2011, “Muammar Gaddafi’s forces retreated some 40 miles from Benghazi following attacks by French aircraft. If the primary object of the coalition intervention was the urgent need to protect civilians in Benghazi, then this objective was achieved in less than 24 hours.” [24] On March 28th President Obama continued the misinformation saying “we were faced with the prospect of violence on a horrific scale.”
  • Clinton and the U.S. U.N. Ambassador, Susan Rice spread a lie that Gaddafi was giving his soldiers Viagra to commit mass rape. [25] Amnesty international, Human Rights Watch, and Doctors Without Borders failed to find first-hand evidence that mass rapes were occurring, which was confirmed by the UN’s investigator, M. Cherif Bassiouni. Suspiciously, “The day after Blumenthal sent Clinton the memo, Al-Jazeera published what appears to be the first news report about the rumors.”[26] It is noteworthy that Al-Jazeera is based in Qatar, our ally in the war.

A New York Times story said “Human Rights Watch reports later showed that media claims about Qaddafi’s repression of protesters, which were used to sell the war to the public, were grossly exaggerated, by an order of magnitude.” [27]

“What was decided was to declare Gaddafi guilty in advance of a massacre of defenceless civilians and instigate the process of destroying his regime and him (and his family) by way of punishment of a crime he was yet to commit, and actually unlikely to commit,” wrote Hugh Roberts, a scholar at Tufts University and head of the ICG North Africa Project at the time, “and to persist with this process despite his repeated offers to suspend military action.”

Maximillian Forte, a Canadian Anthropology professor, wrote a definitive book on the Libyan war titled “Slouching Towards Sirte: NATO’s War on Libya and Africa.” The book is a must-read for anyone wanting to learn the facts about the war.

The Obama/Biden Administration, Sarkozy, and Cameron Rejected all Peaceful Negotiations

UNSC Resolution 1973 defined a peace process in Articles 1 and 2: “the secretary-general was to send his special envoy to Libya and of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union to send its ad hoc High-Level Committee to Libya with the aim of facilitating dialogue to lead to the political reforms necessary to find a peaceful and sustainable solution.”[28]

March 19, 2 days after 1973 passed, more than 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched by the U.S. and Britain. Sarkozy, the Obama/Biden Administration, and Cameron had no intention of negotiating a peaceful solution: [29]

  • “Resolution 1973 was passed in New York late in the evening of 17 March. The next day, Gaddafi … announced a ceasefire in conformity with Article 1 and proposed a political dialogue in line with Article 2. What the Security Council demanded and suggested, he provided in a matter of hours. His ceasefire was immediately rejected on behalf of the NTC by a senior rebel commander, and by the U.S., France, and Britain in violation of Articles 1 and 2. [30]
  • The military intervention stopped the African Union’s (AU) negotiations. Gaddafi had accepted the AU plan for him to go into exile in an African country, just as the former dictator of Tunisia did during its Arab Spring uprising.[31]
  • The secretary-general special envoy’s trip to Libya was cancelled.
  • The International Crisis Group offered a proposal for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations led by group of representatives from African nations for replacing the Gaddafi regime even before Resolution 1973 was passed. This was ignored. [32]
  • Former Prime Minister Tony Blair spoke to Gaddafi, with whom he had close ties, in February and attempted to convince him to stop the violence and stand aside. Blair informed Clinton and Cameron, but they did not take action. The U.K. investigation report concludes “Political engagement might have delivered civilian protection, regime change and reform at lesser cost to the UK and to Libya.”[33]
  • Turkey announced that it had been talking to both sides and offered to broker a ceasefire. This was ignored. [34]
  • April 20, Libya offers Libya’s Foreign Minister Abdul Ati al-Obeidi offered a “properly verifiable” ceasefire supervised by foreign observers to pave the way for talks which could cover “any issue” including, he implied, the future of Colonel Muammar Qadhafi

The Washington Times reported that Clinton and the State Department put a stop to U.S. negotiations with Gaddafi. [35]

“On the day the U.N. resolution was passed, Mrs. Clinton ordered a general within the Pentagon to refuse to take a call with Gadhafi’s son Seif and other high-level members within the regime, to help negotiate a resolution, the secret recordings reveal. A day later, on March 18, Gadhafi called for a cease-fire, another action the administration dismissed.” Gadhafi’s actions complied the Articles 1 and 2 of Resolution 1973.

  • Army Gen. Carter Ham, the head of the U.S. African Command and Retired Navy Rear Adm. Charles Kubic, were negotiating with Gaddafi. “He was willing to step down and permit a transition government, but he had two conditions,” Mr. Kubic said. “First was to insure there was a military force left over after he left Libya capable to go after al Qaeda. Secondly, he wanted to have the sanctions against him and his family and those loyal to him lifted and free passage. At that point in time, everybody thought that was reasonable.” The State Department put a halt to the negotiations. Kubic said “It wasn’t enough to get him out of power; they wanted him dead.”
  • A Pentagon intelligence asset kept in contact with Seif Gadhafi and his adviser, and in a recorded call said “Everything I am getting from the State Department is that they do not care about being part of this. Secretary Clinton does not want to negotiate at all.”

Congressman Dennis Kucinich said “There was a distortion of events that were occurring in Libya to justify an intervention which was essentially wrong and illegal because [the administration] gained the support of the U.N. Security Council through misrepresentation,” said Mr. Kucinich. “The die was cast there for the overthrow of the Gadhafi government. They weren’t looking for any information.

“What’s interesting about all this is, if you listen to Seif Gaddafi’s account, even as they were being bombed they still trusted America, which really says a lot,” said Mr. Kucinich. “It says a lot about how people who are being bombed through the covert involvement or backdoor involvement of the U.S. will still trust the U.S. It’s heart-breaking, really. It really breaks your heart when you see trust that is so cynically manipulated.”

The Obama/Biden administration gave full diplomatic recognition to the rebel’s Transitional National Council (with its al-Qaeda and LIFG terrorist group members) as the governing authority of Libya on July 15 in order to give the rebels access to $30 billion in frozen Gaddafi assets.

Without a doubt, this was a regime change war with all peace negotiations rejected out-of-hand by the rebel leadership, France, Britain, and the U.S.

  • CIA Director Leon E. Panetta says in his book “Worthy Fights” that the goal of the Libyan conflict was for regime change.
  • The UK investigation report says “When the then Prime Minister David Cameron sought and received parliamentary approval for military intervention in Libya on 21 March 2011, he assured the House of Commons that the object of the intervention was not regime change. In April 2011, however, he signed a joint letter with United States President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy setting out their collective pursuit of “a future without Gaddafi.”… “a limited intervention to protect civilians drifted into a policy of regime change by military means.”

The mission of Resolution 1973 was a “humanitarian” intervention to set up a no-fly zone, and Articles 1 and 2 defining a peaceful solution. A regime change war was a violation of Resolution 1973. Upon seeing this, Russia, China, the AU and others were very upset at being deceived by Clinton. Their valid mistrust would be a factor when Clinton later worked on a UN Security Council Resolution for Syria.

Libya has 140 tribes so it is a divided country with differing loyalties. Gaddafi’s support was with the western tribes (e.g., Tripoli). The French worked with the rebels in Benghazi, where the eastern Libyan tribes hated Gaddafi because of his brutal crackdowns there, and because he had deposed their King to gain power. Negotiations should have been pursued so all of the Libyan people could decide their fate peacefully without the U.S., the U.K., and France conspiring with the rebels to wage a devastating war to kill Gaddafi.

Gaddafi’s government was the authentic Libyan government. Sarkozy, the Obama/Biden Administration, and Cameron blatantly pursued a regime change war, which is contrary to Resolution 1973, while violating Articles 1 and 2 of Resolution 1973 aimed at peaceful negotiations. They fraudulently recognized the rebels as the Libyan government for their own personal interests.

Forcibly deposing a foreign government strikes at the heart of State autonomy protected by Art. 2 (4) UN Charter. The Nuremberg Charter, Article 6(a) forbids “participation in a common plan or conspiracy” for “planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression.”

Nations Provided Weapons to the Rebels in Violation of Arms Embargo

UNSC Resolutions 1970 and 1973 imposed an arms embargo on Libya.

Blumenthal said in an email 8 days after the bombing began “the rebels are receiving direct assistance and training from a small number of Egyptian Special Forces units, while French and British Special Operations troops are working out of bases in Egypt, along the Libyan border. These troops are overseeing the transfer of weapons and supplies to the rebels.”

Per a UK investigation, Lord Richards highlighted “the degree to which the Emiratis and the Qataris…played a major role in the success of the ground operation.” For example, Qatar supplied French Milan anti-tank missiles to certain rebel groups. [36]

On March 30, U.S. officials also said that Saudi Arabia and Qatar, whose leaders despise Gaddafi, have indicated a willingness to supply Libyan rebels with weapons. [37]

The U.S. Illegally Provided Arms to terrorists among the rebels

In March, the chairman of the House intelligence committee, Rep. Mike Rogers, said “We need to understand more about the opposition before I would support passing out guns and advanced weapons to them.” Roger’s misgivings were correct since the rebel leadership included LIFG, al-Qaeda, and other terror group members.[38]

The Obama/Biden administration armed the rebels. “Humvees, counterbattery radar, TOW missiles was the highest end we talked about. We were definitely giving them lethal assistance. We’d crossed that line,” a State Department official told The New York Times. [39]

The Department of Justice (DOJ) indicted Marc Turi, an American arms dealer and CIA contractor, for selling weapons to Libyan rebels. Turi suggested a plan for the U.S. government to supply conventional weapons to Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), who would then forward the weapons to the Libyan rebels, thus hiding U.S. involvement. Turi exchanged emails in 2011 with then U.S. envoy to the Libyan opposition Chris Stevens. A day after the exchange about Turi’s State Department application to sell weapons, Clinton wrote on April 8, 2011 to aide Jake Sullivan, “fyi. the idea of using private security experts to arm the opposition should be considered.” Turi said Clinton’s State Department then took the lead, and he was cut out and never sold any weapons. Turi said the U.S. implemented the plan and had arms shipped to the Libyan and Syrian rebels. [40]

A former CIA officer stated: “The weapons were produced at factories in Eastern Europe and shipped to a logistics hub in Qatar. The weapons were financed by the UAE and delivered via Qatar mostly on ships, with some possibly on airplanes, for delivery to Benghazi. [41]

The Obama/Biden administration committed crimes by providing weapons to the rebels:

  • Providing weapons to the rebels violates the Libyan arms embargo imposed by Resolutions 1970 and 1973.
  • The rebel leadership council and rebel militias contain terrorist elements. U.S. Code 2339A & 2339B prohibits providing or attempting to provide material support to terrorism with a penalty of imprisonment from 15 years to life.

Genocide Committed by the Rebels

NATO ended its operations in October 2011 and for the first time in its history did not leave a force to help despite “pleas from the country’s new leaders to extend its mission until the end of the year.” [42]

Two lengthy New York Times articles devote little attention to what they acknowledge were “the rebels’ human-rights abuses.” U.S.-backed militants committed their own share of atrocities. In particular, Libyan rebels targeted dark-skinned, sub-Saharan Africans and minority groups.

Human Rights Watch warned in 2013, in the wake of the Clinton-led war, of “serious and ongoing human rights violations against inhabitants of the town of Tawergha, who are widely viewed as having supported Muammar Gaddafi.”

Tawergha’s inhabitants were mostly descendants of black slaves, and were very poor. Rebels ethnically cleansed the city of the black Libyans. Human Rights Watch reported that militant groups carried out “forced displacement of roughly 40,000 people, arbitrary detentions, torture, and killings are widespread, systematic, and sufficiently organized to be crimes against humanity.”

Moreover, there were reports that rebels put black Libyans, whom they accused of being mercenaries for Qaddafi, in cages, forcing them to eat flags and calling them “dogs.”

And these massacre sites are only the latest of many such discoveries. Amnesty International has now produced compendious evidence of mass abduction and detention, beating and routine torture, killings and atrocities by the rebel militias. [43] [44]

Sarkozy, Cameron and Obama/Biden waged a regime change war for fraudulent “humanitarian” reasons to stop the debunked Gaddafi genocide and the unsupported Obama claim of “violence on a horrific scale. For the first time in NATO’s history, it did not leave a force. France, Britain, the U.S. or NATO did nothing to stop the rebel’s actual human rights abuses done mainly to the Blacks.

Libyan War Crimes

On October 20th, a Gaddafi convoy, carrying 250 people, was attacked by a drone and NATO jets while fleeing Sirte. The Rebels then attacked the people in the convoy and killed many of them. Human Rights Watch (HRW) field investigators found “these killings apparently comprise the largest documented execution of detainees committed by anti-Gaddafi forces during the eight-month conflict in Libya. The execution of persons in custody is a war crime.” Rebel videos show their execution of Gaddafi. [45]

NATO’s UN humanitarian mission was to establish a no-fly zone to protect civilians from Gaddafi’s jets. NATO bombed the 100-vehicle convoy carrying both military personnel and civilians trying to escape danger. NATO tried to assassinate Gaddafi even though he was not a threat, and the rebels were in complete control of Libya.

Obama, Biden, and Clinton committed War Crimes and violated the US Assassination ban because they bombed a convoy carrying civilians and tried to kill Gaddafi with a drone:

MI6 agents and CIA officers on the ground were also providing intelligence and it is believed that Gadhafi was given a code name in the same way that U.S. forces used the name Geronimo during the operation to kill Osama bin Laden.

U.S. and British special forces had trawled through Gadhafi’s former desert stronghold around Sirte and the south of Libya without finding him.

But as the National Transition Council forces increased their stranglehold on Sirte, Gadhafi decided to make a run for it at 8.30 yesterday morning.

The Predator drone, flown out of Sicily and controlled via satellite from a base outside Las Vegas, struck the convoy with a number of Hellfire anti-tank missiles. Moments later French jets, most likely Rafales, swept in, targeting the vehicles with 500lb Paveway bombs or highly accurate AASM munitions.[46]

NATO lied, as it did throughout their assassination war, by saying they “designated Gadhafi as a military target after the former Libyan leader’s forces started firing on civilians as they tried to escape Sirte in a convoy of up to 100 vehicles.” What happened is that rebels, and likely also US special forces, fired at the convoy as it was fleeing the city of Sirte, and the convoy returned fire.

Gaddafi was captured alive and then killed by shots to the head and stomach by an unknown gunman. It would not be surprising if the gunman was a NATO military or intelligence agent.

MI6 agents, CIA officers, and U.S. and British special forces were all in Sirte as the rebels executed the people in Gaddafi’s convoy in Sirte en masse. NATO on a UN sanctioned humanitarian mission to protect civilians, was complicit in many international War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. Incredibly, the NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen bragged that he sees the Libya operation as a template for future NATO missions and proof the United Nations can outsource its muscle to the alliance.

The following excerpt describes the Human Rights Watch investigation of the Rebel’s war crimes:

“Libyan rebels abused and mass murdered Colonel Gaddafi, his son Mutassim, and 66 loyalists, after their capture a year ago, Human Rights Watch says. It calls for an investigation and prosecution of those responsible for what they slam as a war crime.

The 50-page report “Death of a Dictator: Bloody Vengeance in Sirte” details the last hours of Muammar Gaddafi’s life on October 20, 2011, when he was caught trying to leave the city with his remaining supporters: (Note: the report is no longer available online. The link was:])

Capture, abuse, murder

Gaddafi is said to have fled Tripoli with a handful of his trustful men in the end of August to his hometown of Sirte, where he “spent most of his time reading the Koran and praying,” Dhao told HRW.

“His communications with the world were cut off. There was no communication, no television, no news,” he added.

On October 20, Gadaffi’s son Mutassim deemed the situation unsafe and organized a 50-vehicle convoy for all to flee the city in the morning. The convoy consisted of 250 people, including civilians who supported Gaddafi.

As the cars were trying to make their getaway they were struck by a NATO air-fired missile, which exploded next to the car carrying Gaddafi. In defense, the convoy turned on to a dirt road, but was pinned down by militia fighters and then further bombed by NATO fighter jets.

After the bombings Gaddafi, accompanied by 10 other people, including his bodyguards, tried to take shelter by a drainage pipe, but was once again attacked by militia.

One of Gaddafi’s bodyguards reportedly threw three grenades at the rebels, but one of the grenades hit a cement wall and bounced back, injuring Gaddafi and leading to his capture.

“As soon as the militia fighters had custody of Gaddafi, they began abusing him. Blood was already gushing from the shrapnel wound in his head. As he was being led to the main road, a militiaman stabbed him in his anus with what appears to have been a bayonet, causing another rapidly bleeding wound,” described the report.

Video clips taken of the capture suggest that after enduring abuses Gaddafi was shot by militia fighters.

Report suggests that rebels took “bloody revenge” against Gaddafi and his loyal supporters in light of the eight-month civil war.

An HRW team on the ground counted that 103 pro-Gaddafi supporters died during that escape. Half of those were killed by NATO bombings, and the other half was either killed in combat or executed.

On top of that, 140 Gaddafi loyalists were taken prisoner, but instead of being transferred to prison authorities, 66 of them were executed in a nearby hotel.

Gaddafi’s son Mutassim was also captured alive, according to YouTube videos taken by his captors. However, by the afternoon of the same day, Mutassim was dead with a large new wound in his throat, suggesting he was murdered, HRW concluded.

“The throat wound thus must have been inflicted after the videos of a captured Mutassim were recorded, strongly indicating that he was killed in the custody of his captors just hours after he was detained.”

HRW points out that “these killings apparently comprise the largest documented execution of detainees committed by anti-Gaddafi forces during the eight-month conflict in Libya. The execution of persons in custody is a war crime.” [47]

Reuters also published a story on this HRW report. [48]

CBS on October 25 reported about rebel atrocities in Sirte: “Nearly 300 bodies, many of them with their hands tied behind their backs and shot in the head, have been collected from across Sirte and buried in a mass grave. The new government has been slow to confront allegations of atrocities by rebel fighters, despite repeated calls for them to do so.” [49]

Crimes Against Humanity and Peace

NATO conducted 26,000 NATO sorties and 9,600 strike missions with an average of four bombs used per attack, and destroyed 6,000 targets. At its peak, the operation involved more than 8,000 servicemen and women, 21 NATO ships in the Mediterranean and more than 250 aircraft of all types. [50]

NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen proudly said “Operation Unified Protector is one of the most successful in NATO history.” Obama proudly said operations in Libya “only cost us a billion dollars” and no US troops were killed or injured.” At hearing of Gaddafi’s execution, Clinton gloated “We came, we saw, he died.”

Libya is a small undeveloped country of about 6 million people. A large study involving 65% of the population “found a total of 21,490 (0.5%) persons were killed, 19,700 (0.47%) injured and 435,000 (10.33%) displaced.” [51]

This was a humanitarian mission to prevent deaths. With so many preventable casualties, Rasmussen should have described it as an abject failure rather than “the most successful in NATO history.” Why was Obama so proud none of our troops died, when we caused 20,000 Libyans to die unnecessarily, and it only cost us $1 billion? U.S. soldiers and Libyan soldiers are both human beings. Why was Clinton gloating that Gaddafi died in a criminal assassination? The Obama/Biden administration, Sarkozy, and Cameron stopped many different negotiations for Gaddafi to go into exile and begin peaceful negotiations among Libyans on a new government. Their despicable deceptive intent to wage an unlawful regime change war rather than consider a peaceful solution caused the deaths, injuries, displacements, and societal and economic destruction of a stable country.

Gaddafi’s military personnel are human beings. As Hugh Robert observed, the civilian victims “don’t count, any more than the thousands of young men in Gaddafi’s army who innocently imagined that they too were part of ‘the Libyan people’ and were only doing their duty to the state counted when they were incinerated by NATO’s planes or extra-judicially executed en masse after capture, as in Sirte.” [52]

In summary, France funded and formed a new government, named the National Transitional Council, with its hand-picked rebels, and contracted with them for French firms to receive 35% of Libya’s oil in exchange for NATO becoming the rebel’s air force. The Obama/Biden administration and Cameron colluded with Sarkozy in this.

The new NATO mission must be for its members to contract with “rebels” in a country to overthrow the recognized government in exchange for a share of the country’s national resources. NATO will refuse to negotiate so that it can support its military-industrial complex by purchasing bombs, missiles and other armaments for these adventures. After rendering the country devastated with thousands of innocents dead and displaced, NATO will leave immediately to keep within its budget. The Obama/Biden administration, Sarkozy, and Cameron are the modern version of the plundering barbarians.

The UN Security Council Resolution 1973 states “the Council authorized Member States, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, to take all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack in the country [Libya]”

The NATO attack of Gaddafi’s 50-vehicle convoy is contrary to Resolution1973 because the convoy was not threatening civilians, they were running away to escape attack. NATO, France, the U.K. and the U.S. committed at least the following two ICC defined war crimes with this attack:

Among the war crimes listed by the ICC pertinent to the U.S., French, the U.K., and NATO are: [53]

  • Article 8 (2) (c) (i)-1 War crime of murder. The convoy was fleeing and contained civilians, along with Gaddafi and his bodyguards. It was no threat to Libyan civilians.
  • Article 8 (2) (c) (iv) War crime of sentencing or execution without due process. NATO had to know Gaddafi was in the convoy because of NATO’s assets on the ground and the size and composition of the convoy. Tellingly, the drone struck next to Gaddafi’s vehicle. The intent of the drone and jet strikes was most probably to assassinate Gaddafi so he would not testify in court. His testimony would have been damning to the false U.S., French, and U.K. “humanitarian” intervention. Perhaps one of the reasons that the Obama/Biden administration, Sarkozy, and Cameron stopped any negotiations was to assure Gaddafi would be killed so he would not testify.

Marjorie Cohn, a professor of human rights, was interviewed about the Justice Department’s White Paper on the administration’s plans for targeted assassinations using drones. She says “the Geneva Conventions define willful killing as a grave breach. And grave breaches are punishable as war crimes. So this also violates the Geneva Conventions. Although the White Paper says that they are going to follow the well-established principle of proportionality – proportionality means that an attack cannot be excessive in relation to the anticipated military advantage – I don’t see how they can actually put that into practice because the force is going to be excessive. When you see how they are using drones, they are taking out convoys, and they are killing civilians, large numbers of civilians. There’s another principle of international law called distinction, which requires that the attack be directed only at legitimate military targets. We know from the New York Times expose that the kill list that Brennan brings to Obama to decide who he is going to take out without a trial – basically execute – can be used even if they don’t have a name, or if they are present in an area where there are suspicious “patterns of behavior.” These are known as signature strikes. That means that bombs are dropped on unidentified people who are in an area where suspicious activity is taking place. That goes even beyond targeted killings. Targeted killings are considered to be illegal.[54]

Additional Crimes Committed

Article 8 (2) (a) (i) War crime of willful killing: NATO bombed innocent civilians in cities, including women and children.

An article in The New American cites the following examples: [55]

International law expert Franklin Lamb, writing in the Foreign Policy Journal from Tripoli over the weekend, accused NATO of committing a “massacre” after visiting the bombing site [in the city of Zlitan].

Other reporters who toured the site offered similarly devastating analyses of what happened. Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya with the Centre for Research on Globalization said civilians in Tripoli and other major Libyan cities were “bombed indiscriminately by NATO” in recent weeks.

“In Zliten, 85 people were killed including 33 children, 32 women, and 20 men as a result of NATO’s deliberate targeting of residential areas and civilian infrastructure,” he wrote, posting a dozen pictures showing the aftermath of the attack, which he called “photographic evidence of NATO war crimes.”

International human rights groups also had questions about the bombing. “NATO continues to stress its commitment to protect civilians,” said Amnesty International’s Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui in a statement. “To that effect, it should thoroughly investigate this and all other recent incidents in which civilians were reportedly killed in western Libya as a result of air strikes.”

Article 8 (2) (a) (iv) War crime of destruction and appropriation of property

The same New American article cites: [56]

In addition to the hundreds or even thousands of “collateral damage” deaths so far, NATO is also under fire for air strikes on civilian infrastructure. On July 25, the Associated Press reported that the international coalition bombed a hospital, leaving several doctors dead.

  • NATO had assets on the ground identifying targets. This should not have happened. The problem is that NATO was bombing within city boundaries.

Another infrastructure attack that drew international condemnation was the bombing of facilities associated with Libya’s so-called Great Man-Made River system, a pipeline that delivers water to a large percentage [70%] of the population. The Pakistan Observer said the attack was “a clear war crime” and could easily lead to a “humanitarian disaster.”

  • NATO also destroyed the factory that produces the pipes to repair Great Man-Made River system. [57]
  • NATO’s destruction of Libya’s main water supply and the factory that produces the pipes to repair it is a reprehensible vindictive attack on the Libyan people. NATO had assets on the ground to identify military targets. How is this related to a “humanitarian” mission to protect the civilians?

On July 30, NATO warplanes also repeatedly bombed a Libyan television station, killing three and injuring 15. Surviving journalists blasted the attack and called for international support from other reporters.

“We are not a military target, we are not officers in the army and not a threat to civilians,” the Libya Broadcasting Department Employees said in a statement after the attack, which it called an “act of international terrorism” and a violation of international law. “We are doing our job as journalists in representing what from the bottom of my heart we believe is the reality of the NATO aggression and violence in Libya.”

Countless press-freedom groups including the International News Safety Institute and the International Federation of Journalists have demanded an investigation of the attack. But NATO defended the bombing, saying the TV station was being used to spread pro-Gadhafi propaganda.

  • NATO’s explanation is absurd because its mission is to protect civilians. How does bombing a TV station protect civilians?

Article 8 bis74 Crime of aggression: This crime consists of the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations. The Obama/Biden Administration, Sarkozy, and Cameron committed this crime by organizing and funding a Rebel organization, and carrying out a regime change war to oust a dictator for their benefit. They deceived the U.N. by characterizing it as a “humanitarian” intervention, when their sole objective was regime change and assassinating Gaddafi.

  • Armed rebels mounted an insurrection against Gaddafi, and took over 9 towns 4 days after the first protest on February 17. Gaddafi’s army fought to recapture the towns. The U.S., France, and the U.K. organized a rebel “government,” named the TNC, funded it, and recognized it as the new government of Libya (France recognized it on March 10, only 21 days after the first protest. This is a farce and a sham!)). Then they armed the rebels, put boots on the ground to assist them even before the Resolution was passed, provided weapons, and then NATO acted as the rebel’s air force, trainers, and command and control center. [58]

U.S. Executive Order 12333 states “No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination.”

Obama, Biden, and Clinton violated EO 12333 by use of a drone strike in an attempt to assassinate Gaddafi as he was fleeing his hometown.

One Nuremburg Principle states: “Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity as set forth in Principle VI is a crime under international law.” As such, the Obama/Biden administration, Sarkozy, and Cameron committed these crimes under international law.

Biden said the cost of the operation in Libya was low, both in lives and dollars, compared to other military operations, so “this is more of the prescription for how to deal with the world as we go forward than it has been in the past.”[59] Biden’s “prescription” is an extreme contrast to President Trump’s historic Mideast peace deals.

The Rebel Leaders’ Economic Deal in exchange for NATO’s Help

Italy had locked in a favored status with Gaddafi, to the disadvantage of France. The Italian oil giant ENI was already the largest foreign oil operator in Libya when contracts signed in 2008 protected its preferred position there until 2047. In a 2009 treaty signed in 2009, Italy agreed to Libya pay $5 billion over 20 years. The treaty was expected to benefit Italian engineering and construction firms with Libyan infrastructure project contracts. [60] An ENI and National Oil Corporation (NOC) of Libya joint venture constructed the 340 mile Greenstream submarine natural gas pipeline between Sicily and Libya at a $6.6 billion cost. The pipeline supplies Italy with 10 % of its energy needs. At the inauguration, Gaddafi said “it was a day of friendship and cooperation between Libya and Italy.” On September 1, Libération, a French newspaper, published a copy of a letter in Arabic in which the National Transitional Council (NTC) agreed to reserve “35% of total crude oil in exchange for the total and permanent support for our council.” The document was addressed to the Qatari government, which Libération described as acting as an intermediary between Libya and France, and says the NTC authorised “brother Mahmoud” to sign the deal with France – a reference to Mahmoud Shammam, the interim government’s information minister, according to Libération. The letter, which was dated April 03, two weeks after the start of the military intervention in support of the rebels that France had championed, said the deal was struck with France “during the London summit,” an international conference on the Libyan conflict held on March 29.

Although Shammam said the letter was a forgery, a September 16 email from Blumenthal to Clinton independently validates the 35%. Blumenthal said Sarkozy and Cameron traveled to Tripoli to press the TNC leaders to “reward their early support for the rebellion against Muammar al Qaddafi. Sarkozy and Cameron expect this recognition to be tangible, in the form of favorable contracts for French and British energy companies looking to play a major role in the Libyan oil industry. According to this source, Sarkozy feels, quite strongly, that without French support there would have been no revolution and that the NTC government must demonstrate that it realizes this fact.” “At the same time, this source indicates that the government of France is carrying out a concerted program of private and public diplomacy to press the new/transitional government of Libya to reserve as much as 35% of Libya’s oil related industry for French firms, particularly the major French energy company TOTAL.” [61] The French foreign minister, Juppé, said he was unaware of the letter, and added “What I know is the NTC said very officially that concerning the reconstruction of Libya it would turn in preference to those who helped it. That seems fair and logical to me.” Rebel leaders had already made clear that countries active in supporting their insurrection – notably Britain and France – should expect to be treated favourably once the dust of war had settled. The Guardian was told that BP was already holding private talks with members of Libya’s interim government even before the war ended.

France and Britain clearly supported the rebels in order to eliminate Italy’s privileged relationship with Gaddafi and gain a greater share of Libyan oil.

Italy had locked in a favored status with Gaddafi, to the disadvantage of France. The Italian oil giant ENI was already the largest foreign oil operator in Libya when contracts signed in 2008 protected its preferred position there until 2047. In a 2009 treaty signed in 2009, Italy agreed to Libya pay $5 billion over 20 years. The treaty was expected to benefit Italian engineering and construction firms with Libyan infrastructure project contracts. [62] An ENI and National Oil Corporation (NOC) of Libya joint venture constructed the 340 mile Greenstream submarine natural gas pipeline between Sicily and Libya at a $6.6 billion cost. The pipeline supplies Italy with 10 % of its energy needs. At the inauguration, Gaddafi said “it was a day of friendship and cooperation between Libya and Italy.” On September 1, Libération, a French newspaper, published a copy of a letter in Arabic in which the National Transitional Council (NTC) agreed to reserve “35% of total crude oil in exchange for the total and permanent support for our council.” The document was addressed to the Qatari government, which Libération described as acting as an intermediary between Libya and France, and says the NTC authorised “brother Mahmoud” to sign the deal with France – a reference to Mahmoud Shammam, the interim government’s information minister, according to Libération. The letter, which was dated April 03, two weeks after the start of the military intervention in support of the rebels that France had championed, said the deal was struck with France “during the London summit,” an international conference on the Libyan conflict held on March 29.

Although Shammam said the letter was a forgery, a September 16 email from Blumenthal to Clinton independently validates the 35%. Blumenthal said Sarkozy and Cameron traveled to Tripoli to press the TNC leaders to “reward their early support for the rebellion against Muammar al Qaddafi. Sarkozy and Cameron expect this recognition to be tangible, in the form of favorable contracts for French and British energy companies looking to play a major role in the Libyan oil industry. According to this source, Sarkozy feels, quite strongly, that without French support there would have been no revolution and that the NTC government must demonstrate that it realizes this fact.” “At the same time, this source indicates that the government of France is carrying out a concerted program of private and public diplomacy to press the new/transitional government of Libya to reserve as much as 35% of Libya’s oil related industry for French firms, particularly the major French energy company TOTAL.” [63] The French foreign minister, Juppé, said he was unaware of the letter, and added “What I know is the NTC said very officially that concerning the reconstruction of Libya it would turn in preference to those who helped it. That seems fair and logical to me.” Rebel leaders had already made clear that countries active in supporting their insurrection – notably Britain and France – should expect to be treated favourably once the dust of war had settled. The Guardian was told that BP was already holding private talks with members of Libya’s interim government even before the war ended.

France and Britain clearly supported the rebels in order to eliminate Italy’s privileged relationship with Gaddafi and gain a greater share of Libyan oil.

The US, France and Britain Meet Rebels in Tripoli to Cash-in on Reconstruction

The French and UK’s ulterior profit motive in their false “humanitarian intervention” were further revealed before the end of the war. Four days after the rebels took control of Tripoli on August 28, 2011, leaders and envoys from 60 nations and world bodies met in Paris for talks with the NTC and agreed to free up billions more in frozen assets to help Libya’s interim rulers restore vital services and start rebuilding. French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said “You know this operation in Libya costs a lot. It’s also an investment in the future.” Sarkozy explained “We have committed to unblock funds from the Libya of the past to finance the development of the Libya of the future.” British Foreign Secretary William Hague said British companies would not be “left behind” French and Italian rivals in jockeying for new business. As well as big prospects for developing oil drilling, the end of the conflict will open up big opportunities for infrastructure, construction, electric power, telecoms, water and tourism companies who are keen to challenge the privileged position enjoyed by Italian firms under Gaddafi’s long rule. Clinton attended to represent US interests in reconstruction talks with the NTC. The NTC has said those who backed them will be rewarded. French companies have already gone in to assess the situation, but Britain plans no missions until the conflict is over.


  1. Carafano, James Jay. “Obama’s ‘lead from behind’ strategy has US in full retreat.” (February 6, 2015).

  2. Haftar, Khalifa. “UN says Libya sides reach ‘permanent ceasefire’ deal.” (October 23, 2020).






  8. Pan-Afrika, Café. “AFRICOM and the Recolonisation of Africa.” (October 25, 2012).



  11. Ibid





  16. Signatory NGOs. “Urgent Appeal to Stop Atrocities in Libya.” (February 21, 2011).



  19. Ibid



























  46. Harding, Thomas. “Gadhafi’s convoy bombed by drone flown by pilot in Las Vegas.” (October 20, 2011).













  59. Berry, Jake. “In Libya, ‘America spent $2 billion total and didn’t lose a single life.’” (November 3, 2011).



