The Obama/Biden Syrian War Crimes

The Obama/Biden administration started another regime change war in Syria after they assassinated Gaddafi and left Libya devastated and in chaos.

People protested the ruling dictators in some Muslim countries in the spring of 20011. The protests, called “the Arab Spring,” took place in Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Bahrain. In March 2011, protests began in Syria and Assad’s military battled with them to put down the rebellion. The Obama/Biden administration used the Arab Spring as a cover to wage regime change wars in Libya and Syria, using “rebels” as a surrogate army. Obama/Biden used the “leading from behind” strategy to hide their illegal arming and military support of “rebels,” many of whom were terrorists

In August, President Obama, the UK, France, Germany and the EU all called for Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad (Assad) to step down. Obama said in a written statement, “The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way. His calls for dialogue and reform have rung hollow while he is imprisoning, torturing, and slaughtering his own people… For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside.”

Many protesters were peaceful Syrians who wanted Assad replaced and political reforms implemented. The protesters also included terrorist groups. A Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report described the outsized role terrorist groups played in the protests: “The salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI [Al-Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria. … The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support the opposition; while Russia, China, and Iran support the regime. … AQI supported the Syrian opposition from the beginning, both ideologically and through the media. … AQI declared its opposition of Assad’s government because it considered it a sectarian regime targeting Sunnis.”[1]

Al-Qaeda’s affiliate, the “salafist” Nusra Front, emerged as a dominant element in the rebel force. Another key player – “Al-Qaeda in Iraq” – was Al-Qaeda’s hyper-violent affiliate that arose in resistance to the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq and later rebranded itself the “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” or simply the “Islamic State.”[2]

The two principle Muslim sects are Sunni and Shia. Our “allies” are Sunni majority nations such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey. Many of the Sunni nations are in an ongoing Middle East sectarian power struggle with Shia Iran. Syria, a Sunni-majority country, is ruled by Assad and the Shias. Iran and Russia are Assad’s allies. Assad maintained a relatively non-sectarian atmosphere in Syria, where the Sunnis, Shias, and Christians lived and worshipped. Saudi Arabia by contrast discriminates against the Shias, which comprise 10% to 15% of the population. Saudi Arabia convinced Obama/Biden to remove Assad from power. Saudi Arabia has a long dismal record of funding jihadist terrorists around the world. Saudi Arabia, our principal ally in this war, is much more repressive than Assad, and Saudi Arabia is the main funder and proselytizer of Islamic terrorism. They have spent over $100 billion over 30 years for mosques, madrassas, and publications to brainwash children and teach adults to adhere to their hateful Wahhabi ideology that preaches death to all infidels. Why did Obama/Biden choose to fight with them in a religious war?

A group of protesters formed the Syrian National Council (SNC).[3] The SNC contained a large Islamist membership, including the exiled Syrian Muslim Brotherhood and the “Group of 74.”[4] In December 2011, after a two-hour talk, Clinton recognized the SNC as “the legitimate representative of Syrians.” Clinton said in her book “Sunni countries, especially Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states, backed the rebels and wanted Assad gone.”

In January 2012, Arab League Observers found that many parties falsely reported violence and “the media exaggerated the nature of the incidents and the number of persons killed.” The observers said “the citizens believe the crisis should be resolved peacefully through Arab mediation alone, without international intervention.”[5]

Kofi Annan, the joint United Nations and Arab League envoy to Syria, submitted on March 16, 2012 a six-point peace plan to the UN Security Council. It called for military pullback, establishment of temporary ceasefires and political dialogue. On March 27, the envoy’s office said that the Syrian government had accepted the peace proposal and would be working to implement it. The Obama/Biden administration wanted the rebels to overthrow Assad, so they undermined Kofi Annan’s peace proposal that had a good chance of success. They did this by arming the rebels, trying to add conditions in the draft UNSC Resolution that could lead to military intervention (just like Libya), excluding Assad’s ally Iran, and making Assad’s removal a precondition to peace negotiations. Just as in Libya, the Obama/Biden administration purposely rejected or undermined peace proposals because they wanted a military regime change.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, other gulf states, and Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood were providing weapons and millions of dollars in funding each month to the rebels .The CIA with the support of Britain’s MI6 were responsible to supply the rebels with weapons from Gaddafi’s arsenal in Libya. The Obama/Biden administration indirectly through proxies provided weapons from other countries.

Vice President Joe Biden said, “Our biggest problem was our allies. The Turks… the Saudis, the Emirates, etc, what were they doing? They were so determined to take down (Syrian President Bashar al) Assad and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war, what did they do? They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens, thousands of tonnes of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad.”[6]

The rebel groups’ members skyrocketed with the weapons and funding. CIA Director John Brennan said ISIS grew from 700 fighters at the beginning of the Syrian War to 20,000 to 30,000, even though the bombing killed tens of thousands. They also armed many terrorists in Libya and Syria. One Syrian terrorist group the New Islamic Front had over 45,000 fighters; another had 8,000 fighters. ISIS rapidly grew in strength and numbers as terrorists from around the world flocked to Syria to join them. ISIS was defeating Assad’s army in battles and approaching the Syrian capital. Assad asked Putin for help so he would not be defeated by ISIS. Putin agreed. In this way, the Obama/Biden administration’s war through rebel surrogates to overthrow Assad brought Russia into the region. The Soufan Group concluded that the Syrian war is “likely to be an incubator for a new generation of terrorists” and warned that “the world will face years of terrorism as a result.”[7]

In late summer 2013, the world was shocked to learn that Assad had launched a barrage of missiles tipped with Sarin gas to slaughter hundreds of civilians in rebel-held neighborhoods near Damascus. There is credible evidence, however, that the rebels did this to provoke the US into bombing Assad’s forces: “The Sarin case against Assad has largely crumbled with a UN report finding Sarin on only one rocket and independent scientists concluding that the one Sarin-laden rocket had a maximum range of only about two kilometers, meaning it could not have come from the suspected Syrian base about nine kilometers away. … Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh also learned from his well-placed sources that inside the U.S. intelligence community suspicion had shifted toward rebel extremists working with hardliners in Turkish intelligence.”[8]

The Obama/Biden administration was in an Islamic religious war to replace a Shia dictator with a Sunni dictator. The Syrian war was a completely unnecessary and illegal regime change war. The strongest rebel groups were terrorist organizations. All of them wanted to form a caliphate in Syria with Sharia law like ISIS did. If they succeeded, Syria would have become a terrorist nation orders of magnitude worse than ISIS at its peak. The United States and the world owe Russia a debt of gratitude for helping Assad prevent this. Unbelievably, Russia held the high moral ground over the Obama/Biden administration. Russia prevented ISIS from ruling Syria, and they worked to get peace agreements in Libya and Syria to prevent war.

Assad would have easily put down the protests if the US had not intervened. The Kofi Annan peace proposal could have made real changes to benefit all Syrians. Assad had repeatedly offered to join peace talks in Geneva, but the US and rebels were in opposition. A peace accord could have avoided the massive deaths, injuries, displacements, devastation, and humanitarian crisis.

The toll from the Obama/Biden’s regime change war in Syria at the end of 2016 is horrendous:

  • 400,000 deaths so far
  • One million injured
  • 4.8 million Syrians have been forced to leave the country
  • 6.5 million are internally displaced, making Syria the largest displacement crisis globally.
  • 13.5 million people, including 6 million children, are in need of humanitarian assistance.
  • 5.47 million people are in hard-to-reach areas, including close to 600,000 people in 18 besieged areas.
  • 11.5 million Syrians require health care,
  • 13.5 million need protection support
  • 12.1 million require water and sanitation,
  • 5.7 million children need education support, including 2.7 million who are out of school in Syria and across the region.
  • About 2.48 million people are food insecure,
  • more than 1.5 million need shelter and household goods.[9]
  • In addition, ISIS killed 18,800 people in Iraq in two years according to the UN.
  • Syria’s infrastructure and economy were completely devastated and it was a haven for large terrorist organizations

The Obama/Biden administration propagated gross exaggerations about Assad’s violence against the protestors, selected one small newly-formed rebel organization with terrorist ties as the legitimate Syrian government, refused peace negotiations that Assad offered to attend, and armed rebels and terrorists to wage war to forcibly oust Assad. This modus operandi is the same one they used in Libya, which is not surprising since Joe Biden bragged after Libya that the US “didn’t lose a single life,” and “this is more of the prescription for how to deal with the world as we go forward than it has been in the past.” Assad would have easily put down the protests if the US had not intervened. For this reason, the Obama/Biden administration is totally responsible for all the human devastation in the Syrian war.

The Obama/Biden administration violated the international law stating: Forcibly deposing a foreign government strikes at the heart of State autonomy protected by Art. 2 (4) UN Charter. The Nuremberg Charter, Article 6(a) forbids “participation in a common plan or conspiracy” for “planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression.”

Biden is courting the Muslim vote, but American Muslims are probably unaware of his sad record. Libya and Syria are Muslim countries. Obama/Biden’s regime change wars took 20,000 Libyan lives to profit from Libyan oil and 400,000 Syrian lives to replace a Shia dictator with a Sunni dictator.

One Nuremburg Principle states: “Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity as set forth in Principle VI is a crime under international law.” The Obama/Biden administration and their allies heavily armed rebels, including many terrorist groups. The rebels, including ISIS, committed massive war crimes and crimes against humanity, including mass executions of civilians. One Nuremburg Principle states: “Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity as set forth in Principle VI is a crime under international law.” Therefore, the Obama/Biden administration is responsible for the crimes committed by the rebels they armed and supported.

Obama/Biden administration provided arms to rebels in Libya and Syria in violation of international law. In the Republic of Nicaragua v. The United States of America (1986) case, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that the U.S. had violated international law by supporting the Contras in their rebellion against the Nicaraguan government.

Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and others in their administration directly and through their surrogate “rebel” armies committed horrendous war crimes and crimes against humanity far worse than any of the brutal African dictators prosecuted before the International Criminal Court. The Obama/Biden administration was smarter than the African dictators in hiding their crimes under the “leading from behind” and “responsibility to protect” fake humanitarian strategies. And the African dictators did not have the corrupt US mainstream media Democrat propagandists covering up their crimes. Obama, Biden, and Clinton are modern day barbarians whose war crimes took or ruined the lives of millions of people.

President Trump’s Foreign Policy of Peace instead of war

President Trump pulled all troops out of Syria except for a few hundred at Syrian oil fields. Trump sent Kash Patel, his top counterterrorism official, to negotiate the release of at least two U.S. nationals believed to be held by Assad’s government. This was the first time in over a decade that a high-level U.S. official has met with the Syrian government.

So far, President Trump got peace deals between Israel and four Muslim countries. He also got a peace deal with Kosovo and Serbia, and a permanent ceasefire in Libya after nine years of internal wars. Additional Middle East peace agreements are in the works. Trump got four nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Trump reduced troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Germany.

The Obama/Biden administration did nothing to halt North Korea’s weapons development. After Trump won the 2016 election, Obama warned him that North Korea was the biggest threat the country would face during his administration. On February 12, 2017, only three weeks after Trump’s inauguration, North Korea commenced many tests of ballistic missiles and powerful hydrogen nuclear bombs, including long-range ICBMs that could reach the US. State television announced North Korea “is now a proud nuclear state, which possesses [an] almighty ICBM rocket that can now target anywhere in the world.” North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong Un threatened the US, Guam, and Japan. A New York Times headline read “North Korea won’t Stop Its Arms Tests Anytime Soon.” NPR reported “New North Korean Missile Is A ‘Monster,’ and one scientist opined the ICBM missile “gives the North Koreans the ability to deliver a nuclear warhead to U.S. soil.” The world worried that the unpredictable Kim Jong Un could start a nuclear war. President Trump aggressively stopped China, Russia, and other countries from buying or providing North Korea with goods or funding in violation of sanctions to force peace talks with Kim Jong Un. On June 30, 2019, President Trump met Kim Jong Un for the third time, becoming the first sitting U.S. president to step foot in North Korea before announcing that the two countries would look to revive stalled nuclear talks.

Joe Biden derided Trump’s meetings at the second debate by saying he “legitimized” his “good buddy who is a thug.” Trump said the good relationship is a good thing because it avoided a potential nuclear war. Biden criticized this by saying we had a good relationship with Hitler before WWII. Biden’s statements are shocking. Biden shockingly said Trump was wrong to avoid nuclear war by developing a good relationship and meeting with the erratic Kim Jong Un because it “legitimized” him. Put another way, Biden would risk nuclear war rather than “legitimize” (a meaningless concept) Kim Jong Un.

Trump was very tough in forcing China and Russia to abide by sanctions in order to convince Kim Jong Un to negotiate. Joe Biden is very compromised with China and Russia because as hard evidence clearly proves his son Hunter was selling Joe Biden’s access to officials in these countries and giving his father a percent of the proceeds.

The Obama/Biden administration spawned the tremendous growth of terrorist organizations. A Breitbart report explains President Trump’s outstanding success in fighting terrorists:

When the Pew Research Center asked registered voters in summer 2016 what the top issues influencing their votes were, 80 percent said that terrorism was “very important,” more than any issue but the economy. In summer 2020, the issue wasn’t even on the list.

The tenure of President Donald Trump has proven catastrophic for what was, at the time of his inauguration, considered the most dangerous terrorist organization on the planet: the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), which had split from its parent group al-Qaeda with only two years left to the Obama administration and established its “caliphate” on June 29, 2014.

The Trump era, which resulted in both the demise of the “caliphate” and “caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, experienced an over 60-percent drop in the number of casualties attributable to the core Islamic State group, according to a Breitbart News analysis of data from the State Department’s Annual Country Reports on Terrorism. Under President Barack Obama, ISIS beheaded at least four times the number of civilians as under Trump, despite the fact that ISIS in its current state was founded with less than three years left in Obama’s tenure.[10]

Democrat Mainstream Media (MSM) propagandists

Adolph Hitler described in his 1925 book “Mein Kampf” the “Big Lie” technique that he and his propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, would use to convince the German people to exterminate the Jews:

“in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” [11]

The Democrats and their MSM propagandists expertly use Hitler’s Big Lie technique by constant baseless accusations that Trump is racist, misogynist, xenophobic, mentally unfit, conspires with Putin, a grave danger to the country, a bully, psychologically unstable, a dictator, a Nazi, anti-Muslim, a fascist, incompetent, etc, etc. Although none are true, millions of Americans believe these lies and have an intense emotional hatred and fear of Trump just as Hitler’s Big Lie provoked an emotional fear and hatred of Jews.

The MSM propagandists with the largest audiences are the Washington Post (WAPO), New York Times (NYT), CNN, National Public Radio (NPR), MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and ABC. They are Democrat propagandists as evidenced by a Rasmussen report that Trump has a 95% negative media coverage and Obama had a 95% positive media coverage at the same point in his presidency. The MSM propagandists include Twitter, Facebook, Google and Amazon because they use insidious means such as censorship to support the Democrats Big Lie.

The MSM propagandists hide the truth about the Obama/Biden administration’s war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other crimes committed in Libya and Syria. The MSM propagandists spent two years of headline news about Trump/Russia collusion. They spent minimal, if any, time reporting Trump did not collude with Russia, and that Hillary Clinton created the hoax to distract from her email scandal. As a result, an April 2020 poll found a shocking 53% of voters still believe Trump colluded with Russia.[12] Hitler explained this Big Lie phenomenon:

“It would never come into their [the broad masses of a nation] heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”[13]

For the first time in American history, the Obama administration and conspirators in the DOJ and FBI undermined the peaceful transfer of power to the newly elected president by framing General Flynn for a crime he did not do. Their MSM propagandists aided their effort, much like Hitler’s propaganda newspaper Der Stürmer (The Attacker) helped him rise and seize power. Massive incontrovertible evidence of General Flynn’s innocence was declassified, and the MSM propagandists do not report on it refer to my post titled “Democrats Big Lie: Hateful Nazi-Style Propaganda (General Flynn Example).”

Democrats and their MSM propagandists’ Big Lie vilifies and provokes fear of President Trump and his supporters just like Hitler and Goebbels did with their Big Lie to vilify and provoke fear of the Jews so that the German people would support the extermination of the Jews. Biden continues to disseminate the lie, with the aid of media silence, that Trump said Neo-Nazis and white supremacists are very fine people. The Democrats MSM propagandists continue to falsely characterize Trump and his supporters as racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, grave danger to the country, anti-Muslim. The media hides the facts about the Obama/Biden administration such as:

  • They weaponized the DOJ, FBI and intelligence community to go after their political opponent Donald Trump and his campaign. This is the definition of a police state.
  • They intervened in the 2011 Haitian election to prevent the anti-corruption candidate, Mirande Manigat, from becoming Haiti’s first female president, and got a corrupt musician elected as their puppet president so they could plunder the 2010 earthquake aid donations (see “The Big Lie: Democrats Help Blacks (Haiti Example Summary)”).
  • They were responsible for at least 20,000 deaths, 20,000 wounded, 400,000 displaced, and Black genocide in Libya. They destroyed the most highly developed country in Africa to get a greater share of Libya’s oil wealth and prevent 14 African nations achieve economic independence from France (see “The Big Lie: Democrats Help Blacks (Libya Example)”).
  • They were responsible for 400,000 Muslim deaths, war crimes, crimes against humanity, a humanitarian crisis, and the booming growth of armed terrorist organizations in Syria as described in this report.

The MSM propagandists hide the authenticated evidence that Joe Biden was getting a share of the money that his son Hunter got from Chinese Communist Party officials for selling access to Joe Biden. This is a huge scandal. China could blackmail Biden if he were president, so it is a serious national security issue. Voters need to know this information, but the MSM propagandists are not covering the story to help Biden become president. Facebook and Twitter are censoring it. NPR despicably pushed another Russia hoax with the headline “Are Trump allies peddling Russian disinformation about the Bidens?” NPR stated they were not reporting on this huge national security story , “we don’t want to waste the listener’s and reader’s time on stories that are pure distractions.” If this were Donald Trump Jr. instead of Hunter Biden, the MSM propagandists would have non-stop headline news on it.

Noam Chomsky said “Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media.” The MSM propagandists are covering up anything that reflects negatively on Biden and at the same time hiding President Trump’s many significant accomplishments. They are following the guidance of Hitler’s propaganda chief Goebbels:

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.[14]

If Biden were elected, the Democrats would lock in a one-party dynasty by using the DOJ, FBI, and intelligence community as a political weapons again, adding Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico as states, packing the Supreme Court, legalizing ballot harvesting, giving citizenship and benefits to illegal aliens, eliminating the Electoral College, etc.

The MSM propagandists are trying to be kingmakers by using Hitler’s Big Lie method to get Biden elected. They are betraying the country by doing this. The Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, National Public Radio (NPR), MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and ABC are all traitors in the true sense of the word.

Everyone, but especially Jews throughout the word, should be enraged that the MSM propagandists are using Hitler’s Big Lie method to seriously harm US democracy and increase the threat to Israel. America defeated Hitler and ended the Holocaust. America was the first nation to recognize Israel when it declared independence in 1948. Prime Minister Netanyahu noted that Israel is the most demonized country in the world, and the only state with enemies threatening to wipe her off the map. America has always supported Israel as President Reagan said, “Since the rebirth of the State of Israel, there has been an ironclad bond between that democracy and this one.”

The Obama/Biden administration weakened that bond. Iran, the leading terrorist sponsoring nation, wants to destroy Israel and was developing nuclear weapons. Obama/Biden greatly increased Iran’s threat to Israel when they eliminated sanctions and gave them billions of dollars for only delaying their nuclear program. They increased the threat to Israel when they and their allies massively armed proliferating terrorist groups in Libya and Syria. In tacit approval, the Obama/Biden administration abstained from voting on an anti-israel United Nations Security Council resolution that demands an immediate halt to all Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The Simon Wiesenthal Center ranked Obama’s refusal to veto anti-Israel U.N. vote as the most anti-Semitic incident of 2016. David Friedman writes,” The Obama administration’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the Middle East as a whole, is best remembered as “often wrong, never in doubt”: from the disastrous Iran deal, to squeezing Israel without obtaining meaningful peace concessions from the Palestinians, to allowing the UN jackals to demonize and single out the Jewish state.”[15]

As described in the previous section, President Trump greatly increased peace and security for Israel and throughout the Middle East with his peace deals. The MSM minimize their reporting of these historic peace deals. Prime minister Netanyahu said, “President Trump Has Been the Best Friend That Israel Has Ever Had in the White House.”

The MSM propagandists use the Big Lie strategy to vilify President Trump and his supporters as odious people (e.g., racists, white supremacists, fascists) to provoke fear and hatred of them in the same way that Hitler and Goebbels provoked fear and hatred of the Jews. Jewish Trump supporters should be especially horrified by this. Former ESPN host Keith Olberman recently called Trump supporters “maggots.” A Nazi newspaper called Jews “worms on a sidewalk.” Goebbels used this Big Lie strategy to convince Germans it was necessary to exterminate the Jews:

“Anti-Semitic articles should appear in the press ‘every other day’ and German periodicals should show ‘an anti-Jewish face,’ both of which aims would best be accomplished by promoting younger, ideologically reliable editors.” [16]

Syria Details

The details are abbreviated and references not properly formatted since time is of the essence due to the election.

The Obama/Biden administration provided weapons to terrorists

Seymour Hersh talked about his Benghazi investigation in a 2014 interview and following are excerpts:

In January 2014, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the Benghazi Consulate.

A highly classified annex to the report, not made public, described a secret agreement reached in early 2012 between the Obama and Erdoğan administrations. It pertained to the rat line. By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria. A number of front companies were set up in Libya, some under the cover of Australian entities. Retired American soldiers, who didn’t always know who was really employing them, were hired to manage procurement and shipping. The operation was run by David Petraeus, the CIA director who would soon resign when it became known he was having an affair with his biographer. (A spokesperson for Petraeus denied the operation ever took place.)

The operation had not been disclosed at the time it was set up to the congressional intelligence committees and the congressional leadership, as required by law since the 1970s. The involvement of MI6 enabled the CIA to evade the law by classifying the mission as a liaison operation. The former intelligence official explained that for years there has been a recognized exception in the law that permits the CIA not to report liaison activity to Congress, which would otherwise be owed a finding. (All proposed CIA covert operations must be described in a written document, known as a ‘finding’, submitted to the senior leadership of Congress for approval.) Distribution of the annex was limited to the staff aides who wrote the report and to the eight ranking members of Congress – the Democratic and Republican leaders of the House and Senate, and the Democratic and Republicans leaders on the House and Senate intelligence committees. This hardly constituted a genuine attempt at oversight: the eight leaders are not known to gather together to raise questions or discuss the secret information they receive.

The annex didn’t tell the whole story of what happened in Benghazi before the attack, nor did it explain why the American consulate was attacked. ‘The consulate’s only mission was to provide cover for the moving of arms,’ the former intelligence official, who has read the annex, said. ‘It had no real political role.’

Retired Lt. General William Boykin said in January that Stevens was in Benghazi as part of an effort to arm the Syrian opposition. Boykin said Stevens was “given a directive to support the Syrian rebels” and the State Department’s Special Mission Compound in Benghazi “would be the hub of that activity.” [17]

Blackwater founder Erik Prince told Breitbart News that the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was being used as part of the weapons-dealing plot. Breitbart News reported: “It’s absolutely what they were doing,” Prince said of the reported scheme to buy back American weapons from Libyan jihadist groups and divert them, through the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, to rebel groups in Syria. “They were trying to buy back weapons and in particular [shoulder-fired missiles] MANPADS to push to the so-called Syrian rebels,” he said.s[18]

In March 2011, [Christopher] Stevens became the official U.S. liaison to the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan opposition, working directly with Abdelhakim Belhadj of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group terrorist organization — a group that has now disbanded, with some fighters reportedly participating in the attack that took Stevens’ life. In November 2011, the Telegraph reported that Belhadj, acting as head of the Tripoli Military Council, “met with Free Syrian Army [FSA] leaders in Istanbul and on the border with Turkey” in an effort by the new Libyan government to provide money and weapons to the growing insurgency in Syria.[19]

The Times of London reported in September 2012 that a Libyan ship “carrying the largest consignment of weapons for Syria … has docked in Turkey.” The shipment reportedly weighed 400 tons and included SA-7 surface-to-air anti-craft missiles and rocket-propelled grenades. Those heavy weapons are most likely from Muammar Gaddafi’s stock of about 20,000 portable heat-seeking missiles—the bulk of them SA-7s—that the Libyan leader obtained from the former Eastern bloc. Reuters reports that Syrian rebels have been using those heavy weapons to shoot down Syrian helicopters and fighter jets.[20]

The U.S., Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have spent billions of dollars arming the rebels. Western weapons and equipment flow freely between the so-called “moderate” rebels in Syria and their close allies from extremist groups like al-Qaida, according to an investigation from a BBC reporter.

In a Dec. 17 episode of the BBC Radio series “The Report,” investigative journalist Peter Oborne documented disturbing evidence that the United Kingdom and United States continue to support the Syrian opposition, particularly the Free Syrian Army, despite ample evidence that they work closely with extremist groups NATO has traditionally thought of as enemies.

He also explained how the U.S. has aided al-Qaida’s efforts to “rebrand” its Syrian branch, the Nusra Front, as a moderate group able to be safely financed and “managed” by the U.S.

Alastair Crooke, a British diplomat and former intelligence analyst for MI6 said The West does not actually hand the weapons to al-Qaida — let alone to ISIS,” Crooke continued. “But the system they’ve constructed leads precisely to that end.”

“The weapons conduit that the West gave to the FSA is understood to be a sort of Wal-Mart that the radical groups can take weapons and use to fight Assad. The weapons migrate along the line to the more radical elements.”

“The British could not have been unaware that they are sending non-lethal aid [such as armored vehicles] to the FSA, who are clearly collaborating and sharing resources with the various Islamist groups, there can be no doubt about that.”

Robert Ford was the U.S. ambassador to Syria from 2010 to 2014 before retiring from politics. He admitted that the “moderate” rebels the U.S. supports are actually allied with al-Qaida and Syrian groups affiliated with Daesh (an Arabic acronym for the group commonly known as ISIS or ISIL).

He told Oborne that the FSA turned into an equipment pipeline for jihadi groups, The FSA commander told Ford, “it’s not your business” because his group had no choice but to ally with groups like the Nusra Front due to the lack of aid from the U.S.

Despite the evidence of collaboration and the repeated failure of rebel groups both to topple the Assad regime and to resist the temptation to defect to extremism, the U.S. and U.K. continued to pursue policies of aiding rebels. In August, after spending millions on training, the U.S. had only produced a few dozen rebel fighters, who almost immediately scattered when they encountered hostility from the Nusra Front. In a separate September incident, another group of U.S.-backed rebels gave a quarter of their equipment to the al-Qaida affiliate before scattering or defecting.

“Schemes for training moderate rebels have a habit of going wrong, and never more so than when the CIA is involved,” Oborne reported.

Charles Lister, a researcher for the Brookings Institution who has personally interviewed over 100 Syrian rebels, told Oborne that the FSA is just the latest in a series of rebel groups supported by the U.S. and its allies.

For example, Lister explained that the U.S. supported the Syria Revolutionaries Front from late 2013 until “they were wholeheartedly militarily defeated by Al-Nusra” in July 2014. Dozens defected to the Nusra Front, while the remainder fled into the Syrian countryside, allowing the al-Qaida affiliate to collect their equipment.

In March 2015, the “The Army of Conquest,” a coalition led by the Nusra Front, captured the city of Idlib from Syrian government forces. According to Lister, during the battle the FSA received an order from a Turkish military control room that’s supported by the West to “integrate themselves operationally in Idlib” with al-Qaida.

In other words, these “moderate” rebels fought side-by-side with the Nusra Front in combat, as if they were one force, and they did so under direct orders from the allies of the West.

In October 2014, Vice President Joe Biden openly admitted that military aid had gone to extremist groups in the name of toppling the Assad government. However, he drew widespread criticism because he tried to shift the blame from the U.S. to Washington’s Middle Eastern allies.

“Our biggest problem is our allies,” he told an audience at the Harvard Kennedy School, continuing:

“The Turks … The Saudis, the Emiratis, etc. What were they doing? They were so determined to take down Assad and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war. What did they do?

They poured hundreds and millions of dollars and tens and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad. Except that the people who were being supplied were al-Nusra [the Nusra Front] and al-Qaida and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world. Now you think I’m exaggerating. Take a look –”

Although Biden soon called to personally apologize to the leaders of Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, Oborne noted that “his words have gone global” and exposed the extreme measures the West and its allies are willing to take to bring about regime change in Syria.

“Biden’s apology hides the truth,” wrote Turkish journalist Tulin Daloglu in an Oct. 6, 2014 analysis for Middle Eastern news source al-Monitor, adding that he’d only apologized “to keep Turkey as part of the coalition.”

As it became clear that only extremist groups like the Nusra Front have a hope of defeating Assad, the U.S. and U.K. began working with the group to make it appear more mainstream and less extreme.

As it became clear that only extremist groups like the Nusra Front (the Syrian al-Qaeda organization) have a hope of defeating Assad, the U.S. and U.K. began working with the group to make it appear more mainstream and less extreme.

Still, as Oborne noted, the civil war in Syria is widely considered a proxy war between many factions, including Saudi Arabia and Russia, and Russia and the U.S. It’s also viewed as a conflict that’s heavily fueled by Saudi Arabia’s support for jihadis. Despite supporting terrorist movements both financially and via the promotion of Wahhabism, an extreme form of Islam, the Gulf kingdom remains a key ally that purchases billions in weapons from the U.S. and the U.K. every year.[21]

The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point report explains how the terrorist organizations are changing their names in a rebranding in order to get support from the U.S. and its allies.[22]

Rapid Growth of Terrorist Groups

The U.S., Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and other allies have spent billions of dollars to arm the rebels from terrorist organizations with heavy weaponry. As a result, the terrorist groups have greatly grown in number and military strength. The terrorist groups Jabhat al-Nusra, New Islamic Front, and ISIS are discussed below.

In March 2013, al-Nusra Front’s affiliation to al-Qaeda was not yet openly acknowledged, so they would still be counted as “Syrian rebels.” Rebel forces launched the offensive against the Syrian city, Raqqa, in early March 2013, and declared themselves in “near-total control” on 5 March 2013, making it the first provincial capital claimed to come under rebel control in the civil war.

Raqqa changed hands from FSA (the rebel umbrella group] and Al-Nusra to ISIL(ISIS) in the following way:

  • The Islamic State in Iraq (al-Qaeda in Iraq) announced that the al-Nusra Front was in fact part of ISI, and had been so in secret all along. The group would now be called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or ISIL.
  • Al-Nusra Front leader Al-Julani stated that he would not join ISIL.
  • On 8 April 2013, al-Baghdadi released an audio statement in which he announced that the al-Nusra Front had been established, financed, and supported by the Islamic State of Iraq, and that the two groups were merging under the name “Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham.”
  • After an eight-month argument, ISIL announced that it would split from al-Qaeda.
  • In spite of the al-Baghdadi announcement, al-Nusra remains a separate, very strong terrorist group in Syria. It is not part of ISIL (ISIS).[23]

Al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra, is a greater threat to the United States in the long term than is ISIS, making the United States’ current single-minded focus on the latter group misguided, a new report is charging.

The report argues that ISIS and al-Nusra attacks could threaten the global economy and provoke “Western societies to impose severe controls on … freedoms and civil liberties,” thereby endangering “American values and way of life.”

The report’s authors include Fred Kagan, considered an architect of the 2007 “surge” strategy in Iraq, which increased American troops and engagement with local tribes to stabilize that country, and Kim Kagan, a former adviser to Gen. David Petraeus on Afghanistan strategy and the president of the Institute for the Study of War.

Al-Nusra, like ISIS, won’t be participating in the talks, but the report argues that al-Nusra is “a spoiler that will almost certainly cause the current strategy in Syria to fail.”

Al-Nusra emerged in late 2011 during the early days of the Syrian civil war and was initially largely made up of battle-hardened Syrians who had traveled to Iraq to fight U.S. troops during the American engagement there.

It has emerged as one of the most effective groups fighting the Syrian regime and currently controls swaths of northwestern Syria.[24]

Jabhat al-Nusra may be pragmatic, but they treat their rivals in the field and the prisoners in their custody with just as much savagery as the Islamic State treats theirs. Beheadings, torture, rape, stoning and public executions of suspected enemy collaborators are all part of the Nusra way-of-war. Human Rights Watch best summarizes their behavior in their recent report: “Eight survivors and witnesses described how opposition forces [including Jabhat al-Nusra] executed residents and opened fire on civilians, sometimes killing or attempting to kill entire families who were either in their homes unarmed or fleeing from the attack, and at other times killing adult male family members, and holding the female relatives and children hostage.”[25]

Al-Nusra counts 7,000 to 8,000 fighters, according to Thomas Pierret, a Syria specialist at the University of Edinburgh. “There are quite a few foreigners among the middle managers and less among the fighters,” he said.[26]

In November 2013, seven Islamist groups – Harakat Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiyya, Jaysh al-Islam, Suqour al-Sham, Liwa al-Tawhid, Liwa al-Haqq, Ansar al-Sham and the Kurdish Islamic Front – declared that they were forming the largest rebel alliance yet in the 33-month conflict, with an estimated 45,000 fighters. They said the new Islamic Front was an “independent political, military and social formation” that aimed to “topple the Assad regime completely and build an Islamic state.”[27]

A January 2014 Congressional Research Service report on “Armed Conflict in Syria: Overview and U.S. response” describes a terrorist organization called the New Islamic Front with 45,000 fighters that the U.S. arms with lethal weapons through the Syrian Opposition Coalition.

Anti-Assad forces have been engaged in a series of realignments and internal conflicts since mid-2013, creating complications for external parties seeking to provide support, including the United States. To date, the United States has sought to build the capacity of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) and local activists as well as to provide nonlethal and lethal support to armed groups affiliated with a Supreme Military Command Council (SMC) under the leadership of General Salim Idriss

In late 2013, a number of powerful Islamist militia groups—some of which formerly recognized the leadership of Idriss and the SMC—announced the formation of a new Islamic Front, which many expert observers now consider to be the most powerful element of the armed opposition in northern Syria (see the Appendix). The Front’s charter declared its goals to include “the full overthrow of the Al Asad regime in Syria and for building an Islamic state ruled by the sharia of God Almighty alone.” The Front explicitly rejects the concepts of secularism and a civil state, rejects “foreign dictates,” and is committed to maintaining the territorial integrity of Syria. Front leaders have rejected the SOC, and the Front’s military commander—Jaysh al Islam leader Zahran Alloush—has called for individuals who choose to participate in negotiations with the Asad government under the auspices of the Geneva II conference to be placed on a most-wanted list.[28]

The New Islamic Front states their goal is to overthrow Assad and build an Islamic state ruled by Sharia. Individuals who participate with Assad in Geneva II are put on a most-wanted list.

The following from the Institute for the Study of War explains the fall of AQI, the ISIS precursor:

Al-Qaeda in Iraq is resurgent. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) reached its apex of territorial control and destructive capability in late 2006 and early 2007, before the Surge and the Awakening removed the organization from its safe havens in and around Baghdad. Subsequent operations pursued AQI northward through Diyala, Salah ad-Din, and Mosul, degrading the organization over the course of 2007-2008 such that only a fraction of its leaders, functional cells, and terroristic capabilities remained and were concentrated in Mosul. As of August 2013, AQI has regrouped, regained capabilities, and expanded into areas from which it was expelled during the Surge.

AQI has been instrumental in the Syrian conflict. By studying known instances of SVBIED attacks in Syria, one sees AQI has operated there alongside the Syrian al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra since at least December 2011.[29]

In November, 2015, CIA director John Brennan said The Islamic State was “decimated” under George W. Bush and had just “700-or-so adherents left” following the surge in Iraq. [ISIS] can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters across Iraq and Syria … This new total reflects an increase in members because of stronger recruitment following battlefield successes and the declaration of a caliphate, greater battlefield activity, and additional intelligence.[30]

In early June 2014, ISIS captured Mosul, and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a Caliphate on June 29 with him as the Caliph. Their spectacular and unexpectedly quick conquest inspired radical terrorists around the world to join them. ISIS also used social media very effectively to recruit foreign fighters, and was astute in making money.

The Soufan Group said between 27,000 and 31,000 people have traveled to Syria and Iraq to join the Islamic State and other violent extremist groups in the region from at least 86 countries. The countries with the most fighters in the conflict are Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Russia.[31]

Terrorist Groups Defeat Assad and gain 50% of Syria

The growing numbers of rebels with heavy weaponry was taking its toll on Assad’s forces.

In May, 2015, ISIS defeated Assad’s forces in the major city of Palmyra. The fall of the city raises questions about the fighting capability and cohesion of Assad’s remaining troops and allied militias, whose rapid collapse surprised observers, given their close proximity to supply lines and the strategic importance of Palmyra.[32]

The regime is stretched thin after a string of losses to rebels in Idlib in the north, who are backed by Saudi Arabia and Turkey, but residents had expected Assad’s forces to withstand the siege for longer. Instead, they appear to be retrenching in the country’s west, cutting their losses in the face of advances by Isis and the opposition. ISIS now controlled 50% of Syria.[33]

According to Russian and Syrian officials, in July 2015, the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad made a formal request to Russia for airstrikes combatting international terrorism, while laying out Syria’s military problems.[34]

On 26 August 2015, a treaty was signed between Russia and Syria, and Russia began its military help in September. In his televised interview broadcast in October 2015, Putin defined Russia′s goal in Syria as “stabilizing the legitimate power in Syria and creating the conditions for political compromise.” According to the U.S. State Department, the Russian government has also been concerned that “if the government fell, that there would be chaos and that would allow terrorist groups to consolidate.” The intervention helped Assad regain territory, including the recapture of Palmyra from ISIS in March 2016.

The Russians were rightly concerned because that is exactly what happened in Libya. If it were not for Russian intervention, ISIS and other terrorist groups might have overthrown Assad and become the new Syrian government.

Many, if not most, of the Syrian rebels in Aleppo are in terrorist groups and have heavy weaponry, mortars, tanks, and armored vehicles.

On October 30, 2016, the UN envoy warned that the Syrian rebels’ Aleppo offensive could amount to war crimes. The United Nations envoy for Syria has said he is “appalled and shocked” by indiscriminate rocket warfare targeting civilians in Aleppo after three days of a fresh rebel offensive in which dozens have died.[35]

Syrian insurgents on Sunday kept up their shelling of government-controlled areas of the city, killing at least seven people, including three children, state TV reported, and used car bombs and tanks to push into new territory in western areas. The Syrian government claimed the opposition fighters used toxic gas. The attacks raised the death toll in the three-day old offensive to at least 41 civilians, including 16 children, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The observatory said hundreds of mortars were lobbed.[36]

The Obama/Biden Administration’s Crimes in Syria

Violated international law by participating in the rebel insurrection

Forcibly deposing a foreign government strikes at the heart of State autonomy protected by Art. 2 (4) UN Charter. The Nuremberg Charter, Article 6(a) forbids “participation in a common plan or conspiracy” for “planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression.”

The U.N. General Assembly states that organizing, instigating, assisting, financing, or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts in another’s state, or “acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of such acts” constituted unlawful intervention. Clinton violated this in both Libya and Syria.

In Syria, Clinton sabotaged peace negotiations, recognized a newly formed rebel organization (after a two-hour talk) as the legitimate representatives of Syria, and armed the rebels, including terrorists either directly or through proxies to wage war against the legitimate government. Clinton denounced Russia and China for vetoing a draft Syrian Resolution that could have led to military intervention. (they were not going to be fooled by her deception twice.)

Provided material support to terrorists and lied under oath to Congress

U.S. Code 2339A & 2339B prohibits providing or attempting to provide material support to terrorism. Clinton broke the law by providing weapons to terrorists in Libya and Syria, and she violated the Libyan arms embargo imposed by UNSC Resolutions 1970 and 1973. Clinton lied under oath to Congress about this.

Clinton knew about terrorists among Libyan and Syrian Rebels

Clinton was told about the terrorists in the Syrian rebels in an August 2012 classified intelligence information report. Christopher J. Farrell, who serves on the board of directors of Judicial Watch, which obtained the document said “It is produced by somebody within the Defense intelligence agency (DIA). It is reporting from the field by an intelligence agent who could be a U.S. government agent, a defense attaché, or a source.”

The report states:



The spokesman of the Islamic State of Iraq, Muhammad Al Adnani, was quoted in the report, and it noted he was speaking for AQI. After ISIS was formed later, Adnani would be its spokesman.

The Obama/Biden administration supplied weapons to Rebels

The Department of Justice (DOJ) indicted Marc Turi, an American arms dealer and CIA contractor, for selling weapons to Libyan rebels. Turi suggested a plan for the U.S. government to supply conventional weapons to Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), who would then forward the weapons to the Libyan rebels, thus hiding U.S. involvement. Turi exchanged emails in 2011 with then U.S. envoy to the Libyan opposition Chris Stevens. A day after the exchange about Turi’s State Department application to sell weapons, Clinton wrote on April 8, 2011 to aide Jake Sullivan, “fyi. the idea of using private security experts to arm the opposition should be considered.” Turi said Clinton’s State Department then took the lead, and he was cut out and never sold any weapons. Turi said the U.S. implemented the plan and had arms shipped to the Libyan and Syrian rebels. [37]

Seymour Hersh details his Benghazi investigation in a 2014 interview.[38]

In January 2014, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the Benghazi Consulate. [39]

Obama/Bidan used Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey as proxies to arm the rebels as described in this excerpt from a New York Times article.

American officials have not disclosed the amount of the Saudi contribution, which is by far the largest from another nation to the program to arm the rebels against President Bashar al-Assad’s military. But estimates have put the total cost of the arming and training effort at several billion dollars.

The White House has embraced the covert financing from Saudi Arabia — and from Qatar, Jordan and Turkey — at a time when Mr. Obama has pushed gulf nations to take a greater security role in the region.

When Mr. Obama signed off on arming the rebels in the spring of 2013, it was partly to try to gain control of the apparent free-for-all in the region. The Qataris and the Saudis had been funneling weapons into Syria for more than a year. The Qataris had even smuggled in shipments of Chinese-made FN-6 shoulder-fired missiles over the border from Turkey.

The Saudi efforts were led by the flamboyant Prince Bandar bin Sultan, at the time the intelligence chief, who directed Saudi spies to buy thousands of AK-47s and millions of rounds of ammunition in Eastern Europe for the Syrian rebels. The C.I.A. helped arrange some of the arms purchases for the Saudis, including a large deal in Croatia in 2012.

By the summer of 2012, a freewheeling feel had taken hold along Turkey’s border with Syria as the gulf nations funneled cash and weapons to rebel groups.[40]

Provided weapons to rebels in violation of international law

Obama/Biden provided arms to rebels in Libya and Syria in violation of international law. In the Republic of Nicaragua v. The United States of America (1986) case, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that the U.S. had violated international law by supporting the Contras in their rebellion against the Nicaraguan government.

Committed War Crimes

One Nuremburg Principle states: “Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity as set forth in Principle VI is a crime under international law.”

As such, the Obama/Biden administration committed war crimes. Amnesty International named five Syrian anti-regime factions: al Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front, hardliner Ahrar al-Sham, Nureddin Zinki, the Levant Front and Division 16 as being responsible for war crimes. Some of the groups are backed by the US and other regional powers, while others are linked to al Qaeda’s branch in Syria. Many civilians live in constant fear of being abducted if they criticize the conduct of armed groups in power or fail to abide by the strict rules that some have imposed. Amnesty also documented summary killings by gunfire, some in public, of pro-government fighters, which it said constitute war crimes. The report also described how jihadist and hard-line religious groups operate their own religious courts which punish crimes, such as abandoning religion or adultery, with death. Amnesty called on international backers, including the US, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to cease arms transfers to groups implicated in abuse.[41]

Human Rights Watch (HRW) documented rebels entering Alawite villages of Barouda, Nbeiteh, al-Hamboushieh, Blouta, Abu Makkeh, Beyt Shakouhi, Aramo, Bremseh, Esterbeh, Obeen, and Kharata. “Eight survivors and witnesses described how opposition forces executed residents and opened fire on civilians, sometimes killing or attempting to kill entire families who were either in their homes unarmed or fleeing from the attack, and at other times killing adult male family members, and holding the female relatives and children hostage,” the report says. HRW says about 20 opposition groups took part in the offensive and that five were involved in the attacks on civilians – the al-Nusra Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), Jaysh al-Muhajirin wa al-Ansar, Ahrar al-Sham and Suqour al-Izz. None are affiliated to the Western-backed Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army, though SMC chief Gen Salim Idris did say at the time that fighters under his command participated in the assault. Joe Stork, acting Middle East director at HRW, said “the abuses were “not the actions of rogue fighters…. This operation was a co-ordinated, planned attack on the civilian population in these Alawite villages.”[42]

Amnesty International and HRW also reported on war crimes by Assad. All war crimes must be condemned. It should be remembered that Obama/Biden started this unnecessary religious war when they undermined the peace process, anointed for no known reason a newly-formed rebel group as the legitimate Syrian government, and armed terrorist groups to illegally overthrow Assad by force. For this reason, the Obama/Biden administration is totally responsible for all of the mass deaths, displacements, refugees, humanitarian crisis, war crimes, etc.




  2. Parry, Robert. “Holes in the Neocons’ Syria Story.” (May 31, 2015).




  6. Plett Usher, Barbara. “Joe Biden apologised over IS remarks, but was he right?’” (October 7, 2014).


  8. Parry, Robert. “Eyes Finally Open to Syrian Realities.” (October 3, 2014).


  10. Martel, Frances, and Edwin Mora. “The Collapse of ISIS: Terrorist Group Sees 60% Drop in Casualties, over 70% Drop in Beheadings in Trump Era.” (October 28, 2020).

  11. Hitler, Adolph F. “Mein Kampf.” Translated by James Murphy. (1925).

  12. Hemingway, Mollie. “Shock Poll: Majorities Still Believe Debunked Fake News About Trump And Russia.” (April 30, 2020).

  13. Hitler, Adolph F, Mein Kampf. Translated by James Murphy. (1925).


  15. Friedman, David. “Obama alums wrong on all counts in attacks on Trump Mideast peace plan.” (May 4, 2020).

  16. Baker White, John, The Big Lie (Evans Brothers, 1955).




  20. ibid

  21. Oborne, Peter. “Al Qaeda in Syria.” (December 17, 2015).












  33. ibid



  36. ibid





  41. Amnesty International. “Amnesty: Syrian rebels guilty of ‘war crimes’.” (May 7, 2016).

  42. Human Rights Watch. “Syria rebels executed civilians, says Human Rights Watch.” (October 11, 2013).