The Big Lie: Democrats Help Blacks (Haiti Example Summary)

Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton spoke eloquently at the 2020 Democratic National Convention about achieving racial justice and women’s rights. The Obama/Biden administration’s corrupt and criminal treatment of Blacks, and other minorities who are not American voters proves they lied. The first example is Haiti.

The Obama/Biden administration wreaked unbelievable harm on the Haitian people. A brief history of Haiti helps in understanding the magnitude of their evil actions.

France ruled Haiti in the 18th century. In the 1780s,the French had 800,000 African slaves in Haiti who produced 60% of all the coffee and 40% of all the sugar consumed in Europe. This was more than all of Britain’s West Indian colonies combined. Under horrendous living conditions, the average life expectancy for a slave in Haiti was 21 years, so France brought in 40,000 slaves a year, more than one-third of the entire Atlantic slave trade. The slaves began rebelling in August 1791 and continued fighting until Haiti declared independence on January 1, 1804. This was the world’s first successful slave revolution. Haiti is the world’s oldest black republic and the second-oldest republic in the western hemisphere after the United States. France used military power to force Haiti to pay reparations for the slaves who were freed. Haiti borrowed money from French and US banks to pay the reparations. Haiti finally paid off the last loan in 1947. The current value of the money Haiti was forced to pay in bank loans for reparations is over $20 billion.[1] [2]

Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas with 80% of its population living below the poverty line. Haiti’s GDP per capita in 2009 was just $2 a day. The unemployment rate is 75% and foreign aid accounts for 30%-40% of the government’s budget. The historian Alex von Tunzelmann explained that for the better part of 200 years, rich countries and their banks have been sucking the wealth out of the country, and its own despotic and corrupt leaders have been doing their best to facilitate the process, lining their own pockets handsomely on the way. François “Papa Doc” Duvalier assumed power in 1957. He and his son, Jean-Claude Duvalier, ruled Haiti for 28 years with a personal militia that killed between 30,00 and 60,000 Haitians, and raped, beat and tortured countless more. They embezzled up to 80% of Haiti’s international aid, and added debt that accounted for 45% of Haiti’s debt in 2009. Haiti still is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.[3] A nongovernmental organization (NGO) is a group of individuals or organizations not affiliated with any government. Haiti is called the “NGO capital of the world” because NGOs live off of the massive foreign aid donations to Haiti. The extent of NGO corruption is unknown because of a lack of financial transparency.

On Jan. 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake caused 316,000 deaths, 1.5 million homeless, and 1.5 million injured. A UN donor conference in New York City in late March generated pledges of $9.9 billion, with $5.3 billion to be used during the first two years of reconstruction efforts. The donor conference also established the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) to manage the foreign aid for the reconstruction projects. On March 31, 2010, the UN announced Bill Clinton was co-chair of the IHRC with Haiti’s prime minister. Vice President Joe Biden said rebuilding Haiti in the wake of a devastating earthquake will remain a priority for the U.S. long after the story fades from media headlines.

The earthquake brought tragic devastation on the Haitians who had been exploited for 200 years. Amidst this great suffering, the humble law professor Mirande Manifgat rose as a great ray of hope for Haiti. Manigat held a commanding 9-point lead over the second-place finisher Jude Célestin in the November 2010 presidential election. A runoff election in January would decide whether Manigat or Célestin would be president. Manigat, a former senator and first lady, criticized the lack of accountability for aid organizations, saying “My government will not operate the NGO way.” Manigat promised that the $9.9 billion of pledged international aid donations would be used to help Haitians rather than enrich the NGOs and foreign companies as had always been done in the past. She said Haiti’s dependence on the aid of foreign governments and private charities must end, criticizing Haiti’s image as a “Republic of NGOs.” Manigat made education the centerpiece of her government plan, calling for a nationwide literacy program and free primary school education. [4]

The Obama administration’s State Department under Hillary Clinton intervened in the election, and successfully got Michel Martelly, a popular musician, elected president. Martelly should not have even been in the runoff election, but Clinton threatened to cut off aid to Haiti and sanction high government officials if Martelly did not replace Célestin in the runoff.[5] The bankrupt Martelly then mysteriously received $6 million for his campaign and had the renowned consulting firm Ostos & Sola running his campaign to give the raunchy singer a presidential image. Hillary Clinton and her top aide, Cheryl Mills, worked to get Martelly elected. After Martelly won, Mills jubilantly proclaimed, “You Haitians know how to do elections.” The Obama/Biden administration successfully prevented Manigat, who was highly qualified with a pristine record, from becoming the first woman president of Haiti.

The Democrat’s Mainstream Media (MSM) Propagandists, with more than 90% positive coverage of the Obama administration, ignored and hid the truth about this scandal. Fortunately, the foreign media outlet Al Jazeera documented the events based on excellent research:

Street pressure and U.S.-led diplomatic pressure succeeded in overturning the first round results, in what Organization of American States (OAS) whistleblower Ricardo Seitenfus later described as a “silent coup.” A mission nominally from the OAS but in reality funded in large part and controlled by the United States government, according to analysts, went to Haiti to analyze the results. What the OAS recommended was unprecedented. Without any statistical basis, the mission said Martelly came in second, ousting Célestin from the runoff. In a private meeting in 2011, the head of the OAS statistical team, Fritz Scheuren, acknowledged that in all his years, he had never otherwise seen an example of an election outcome being reversed without a recount.[6]

Jake Johnston of the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) summarized the Clintons’ Haitian 2011 election interference using Hillary Clinton’s emails:

Nevertheless, pressure began to mount on the Haitian government to accept the OAS recommendations. Officials had their US visas revoked and US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice even went so far as to threaten to cut aid, even though the country was still recovering from the devastating earthquake earlier in the year.

In late January 2011, two months after the elections, but before any decision had been made, Laura Graham [the Chief Operating Officer of the Clinton Foundation] wrote to top Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills, warning that her boss, Bill Clinton [wjc] would be very upset if certain visas were pulled:

There are rumors abt ur second visa list and jmb [Prime Minister and co-chair of the Clinton-led reconstruction commission, Jean Max Bellerive] being on it. He’s a conflicted guy and is being pressured on both sides and we believe trying to help. Wjc will be v unhappy if that’s the case. Nor do I think u need remove his visa. Not sure what it gets u. Remove elizabeth’s [Préval’s wife] and prevals people. I’m also staying at his house fyi so exposure in general and this weekend in particular for wjc on this.

In response, Mills questioned the “message it sends” for Graham to stay at Bellerive’s house, but Graham replied, indicating a certain coordination between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department in influencing Haitian politics: “For the record, I discussed staying at his house w both u and wjc long ago and was told good strategic value and ive [sic] stayed there every time.”

But being at Bellerive’s house, with a decision on the election coming any day, would send an inappropriate signal, Mills pointed out. “Think of all the rumors you have heard?” Mills asked, “that we want to pressure Célestin out when that is Brazilian and UN position,” she added as an example. There is no doubt that high-level Brazilian and UN officials were involved in the decision and efforts to exclude Célestin. Edmond Mulet, the head of the UN military mission in Haiti, even privately suggested flying Préval out of the country on election day. But it was the US that funded the OAS mission and that had been applying the most pressure on the Haitian government, and another e-mail from Graham to Mills a few days later confirms this.

I think you need to consider a message and outreach strategy to ensure that different elements of haitian society (church leaders, business, etc) buy into the mms solution and are out their [sic] on radio messaging why its [sic] good.

The “mms solution” here likely refers to the presence of Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly being placed in the second round over Célestin, the scenario State Department officials and Haitian private sector groups had been discussing since the day after results were announced. “Seems to me IC [international community] needs a complimentary message-outreach strategy to support this solution,” Graham added, noting that the US government was being made out as a “villain.”

A week earlier, a separate e-mail reveals, the Haitian government had proposed cancelling the elections, as many had been calling for, and running new ones, but the plan was rejected by the EU and US. The international actors opted instead for the arbitrary removal of Célestin and moving forward with the “MMs,” two rightist political candidates who would support the “Haiti is open for business” slogan that emerged after the quake.

The e-mail from Graham came just days before Hillary Clinton would fly to Haiti, in the middle of the crisis in Egypt, to force the government’s hand. Mills forwarded Graham’s message to Hillary Clinton, with a note, “Let’s discuss this on the plane,” to which Hillary responded simply: “Bill talked to me about this and is quite worried about what I do and say tomorrow.”

“As we all are,” Mills responded, passing along talking points for the following day’s Haiti trip. “Ask him if he has any thoughts,” Mills wrote, in reference to Bill Clinton.

The next day Hillary Clinton traveled to Haiti and met with Préval. “We tried to resist and did, until the visit of Hillary Clinton. That was when Préval understood he had no way out and accepted” it, Bellerive told me in an interview last year. Martelly won in the second round, in which just over 20 percent of the electorate voted.[7]

Martelly was Obama and Biden’s puppet Haitian president. He permitted the Obama/Biden administration’s State Department and Bill Clinton to completely control the distribution of international aid donations. The Obama/Biden administration and Martelly both benefited from their despicable symbiotic relationship to plunder Haitian aid donations. Martelly permitted the Obama/Biden administration to enrich foreign corporations and NGOs with the aid donations, while giving virtually none of the aid to Haiti’s government, NGOs, or companies (refer to the Full Haiti Report for the details). At the same time, Mrtelly enriched himself through his corruption.

Martelly, who had been a favorite entertainer of the brutal Duvalier dictators, was a very corrupt and brutal president. Ezili Dantó of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network cites one example of Martelly’s cruelty that occurred when a middle-aged woman asked him at a rally why he did not fulfill his promise to provide electricity:

On July 28, 2015, obscene Haiti dictator Michel Martelly told a questioning citizen, a brave woman in Miragoane, she’s a whore who needs “to get her ass beat up.” In the audio of the incident, we can hear Martelly shouting to audience applause. He publicly tells her how he would shut her up. He tells her to “Go get someone to fuck the shit out of you.” – “Pran raje a pou yon Nég al fé bagay avé w, féme dyol ou konsa. ….Si se bagay ou vle fé, pran nénpót Nég lan foul la epi travése mirray la wonfle bounda w. — If it’s sex you want to have, pick any man from the crowd, go over the fence and get banged.”[8]

Since Haiti’s prime minister was a co-chair of the IHRC, it was vitally important that Martelly select a prime minister who would grant Bill Clinton and the State Department complete control over aid donation expenditures and reconstruction projects. The Clinton emails reveal that Laura Graham, then the Chief Operating Officer of the Clinton Foundation, began vetting potential prime minister picks as early as June 2011. When Bill Clinton was UN Special Envoy to Haiti, Garry Conille was his chief of staff. Graham suggested Conille, and Martelly successfully nominated Garry Conille to be prime minister.

Gary Conille found out about Martelly’s corruption and began investigating him. Hacked emails on Wikileaks reveal that Martelly formed armed militias and Conille’s life was in danger because he investigated Martelly’s corruption.

After just five months on the job, Conille resigned on February 24, 2012. Two days later, Laura Graham wrote to Bill Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Jon Davidson. In the e-mail, written while she said she was with Conille, Graham expressed extreme frustration with Martelly and pointed the finger clearly at him for the resignation of Conille, who had begun investigating a number of high-profile reconstruction contracts involving Dominican firms. Graham also warned that the US must step up and act to rein in Martelly, or risk the consequences, urging Bill Clinton to “convince” the US government:

GC [Conille] believes that his resignation offers the IC [International Community] an opportunity to join in the chorus (media, business, civil society, parliament) of pressure on MM [Martelly]. He can no longer use GC as his obstacle. He has to act and show he’s for democracy or there needs to be consequences. Waiting for this truck wo brakes to hit the bottom of the hill will be too late. You can be helpful in convincing USG and the IC.[9]

One year into Martelly’s term, U.S. Ambassador Pam White informed Mills that Haiti insiders viewed Martelly “not dumb as many may think, [but] he is wild.” Martelly appointed close Clinton ally Laurent Lamothe as prime minister, but Lamothe was forced to step down two years later.[10] Lamothe was prime minister from May 4, 2012 until December 14, 2014.

Laura Graham was the Chief Operating Officer of the Clinton Foundation. Jake Johnston compiled a list of February 2012 Clinton emails demonstrating Graham’s influence and Martelly’s threats and corruption:

  • The US has to push here and I believe some at state, definitely Merten [US Ambassador], are advising a wait and see attitude. The situation cannot afford Washington to sit on sidelines. They elected him and they need [sic] pressure him. He can’t go unchecked. Same thing with UN. Mariano Fernandez [Top UN military official at the time] needs to act more like “mulet” [UN official who helped oust Célestin] than the quiet peaceful guy he is. 
  • “MM [Martelly] wants GC [Conille] to leave the country,” she began another email later that same evening. Conille’s “life has and continues to be threatened by people associated with” Martelly, Graham added, and that Martelly “said himself he will do all it takes to take” Conille down. Once again, Graham questioned Merten’s stance regarding Martelly:
  • The US – Cheryl [Mills] – promised him American backed security immediately but when he met with Merten yesterday Merten was not only in the mind frame of “well MM is not such a bad guy and he’s better than previous presidents” but he didn’t discuss or offer any security. Every day, GC life and reputation are at risk. The US and or the IC must go to MM and tell him that nothing is to happen to GC, not even a tree accidentally falling on him, or MM will face consequences.
  • A few minutes later Graham writes again, warning of Martelly’s efforts to form armed militias throughout the country: I now have seen the actual intel from MINUSTAH [UN military contingent] and the evidence of the armed militia training throughout the country including evidence that the palace is funding and supporting it. I’m meeting with Mariano Fernandez tomorrow but GC shared with me this intel last night and its obvious from the documents and the pictures what is going on here.“The evidence is clear as day and they have already begun parading in the streets with guns and chanting in carrefour (less than 1 hour from PaP [Port-au-Prince]) and other areas of the country,” Graham adds.
  • Finally, an hour later, Graham sends the last e-mail after viewing Conille’s preliminary audit, which “details the amount of corruption and the arrogance in they [sic] way they did it.” Graham continues: It is the contracts that MM is saying he will come after GC with everything he’s got to prevent the real details (presumably including his take) from coming out.
  • The next day, Oscar Flores, a long-time Clinton aide, forwards all of the messages to Mills and Hillary Clinton. “Pls print,” Clinton responds.[11]

Jake Johnston describes Martelly’s presidency:

As corruption allegations continue to swirl around Michel Martelly, power has been consolidated at the top during his five years as president. In 2012, Martelly replaced elected mayors with political appointees across the country. That same year, the terms of one-third of the Senate expired, making legislating increasingly difficult. “First thing, after I establish my power… I would close that Congress thing,” Martelly is quoted as having said back in 1997. In January 2015, he got his wish when the terms of the entire Chamber of Deputies and another third of the Senate expired, leaving the country without a functioning parliament and Martelly to rule by decree.

While the opposition has denounced the undemocratic practices of the current government for years, the international community has largely stood by, seemingly giving its tacit approval. This perception was only reinforced in August’s legislative elections when one in six voting centers were ransacked on Election Day. Nearly a quarter of all votes cast were simply never counted. Even Haiti’s electoral council singled out the ruling PHTK party and others close to the government as being primarily responsible for the violence and electoral abuses in August.[12]

In 2015, Martelly chose Jovenel Moïse to be his successor in the presidential election. Moïse won the election on November 20, 2016 and became president on February 7, 2017. Moïse, like Maretelly, was very corrupt.

Haiti’s Central Financial Intelligence Unit (UCREF) alleged that Moïse laundered millions of dollars. After becoming president, Moïse fired the director of UCREF and the charges were dropped.[13]

Under Venezuela’s Petrocaribe aid program, Haiti bought oil at low prices and only had to pay 60% of its oil bill to Venezuela up front. The remaining 40% of petroleum revenues went into the PetroCaribe Fund which added to Haiti’s debt and was repayable to Venezuela after 25 years at only 1% interest. The Haitian government was to use the debt to fund development projects, including infrastructure, agriculture, education, sanitation, and health.

Haiti’s Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes issued an audit report in November 2017 that found $1.7 billion from the PetroCaribe Fund was embezzled, missing or misused. The auditors determined that Moïse stole more than a million dollars from the PetroCaribe Fund in 2014 before becoming president through contract fraud for a road building project.

Kim Ives summarized the PetroCaribe fraud timeline:

In the short space of five years from May 2011 to January 2016, President Martelly, with different prime ministers, burned through about $1.256 billion (74% of all the money the Haitian government took over a decade from the PetroCaribe Fund) to finance projects which were either not finished or not real. Martelly’s close friend and longest-serving Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe himself declared, before the Haitian people chased him from office in December 2014, that 94% of his government’s projects were financed by the PetroCaribe Fund.

So during the five years from 2006 to 2010, we saw President Préval sign and begin a very promising oil and development program in conjunction with Venezuela. But from 2011 to 2018, we’ve seen Washington hijack the Haiti state, using two subservient administrations to plunder the PetroCaribe Fund and create the political and economic crisis Haiti faces today.

The 2016 Haitian presidential election was nominally won by Jovenel Moïse, Martelly’s protégé. With the largest campaign coffers (thanks to the PetroCaribe fund), he came into office under indictment for laundering millions of dollars through his banana exporting business Agritrans (money that many analysts believe came from the PetroCaribe fund).[14]

Martelly won the presidential election as a candidate of the tiny “Peasant response” party that had no seats in the senate. Martelly and Moïse joined the new Parti Haitien Tet Kale (PHTK) political party formed on August 16, 2012. PHTK became a powerful political party financed through corruption. For example, Moïse paid Ostos & Sola $4 million to run his campaign in 2015.

The Haitian author Edwidge Danticat describes the protests against Moïse’s:

On July 6, 2018, Moïse’s government announced that it was raising the price of gasoline, diesel, and kerosene between thirty-eight and fifty-one per cent, in order to qualify for low-interest loans from the International Monetary Fund. Huge nationwide demonstrations followed. In the summer of 2018, Haiti was already facing high rates of unemployment, rising inflation, a growing budget deficit, currency devaluation, and spikes in gang violence, all of which have grown considerably worse in the past year. Moïse’s government reversed its decision on the gas hike after twenty-four hours, but the protests continued. They were later amplified by the Petrochallengers, mostly young Haitians who started demanding accountability for the Petrocaribe funds, on the streets, and online.

On November 13, 2018, seventy-three men, women, and children were wounded, tortured, hacked with machetes, and set on fire in La Saline, an impoverished neighborhood of Port-au-Prince where residents had participated in Petrocaribe protests. Among them, fifty-nine were reportedly killed. Seven women were raped, and many houses were ransacked or burned, according to the Réseau National de Défense des Droits Humains. . Witnesses accused two top government officials close to Moïse, Joseph Pierre Richard Duplan and Fednel Monchéry, of having been among those who helped to plan the La Saline massacre and providing area gang members with weapons and police uniforms.

In February, 2019, the frequency and size of the protests grew. Haitians from all walks of life have been calling for Moïse’s resignation, including Catholic and Protestant clergy, artists and intellectuals, university professors, business people, bar associations, and the various groups and parties that make up the political opposition.[15]

When the Obama/Biden administration prevented Mirande Manigat from becoming the first woman president, it robbed Haiti of a golden opportunity to have an anti-corruption government that put the Haitian people first. By getting Martelly elected as their puppet president, the Democratic Obama/Biden administration vilely exploited the Blacks in Haiti to control them and enrich corporations and NGOs. In doing this, the Obama/Biden administration and Martelly acted as slave masters plundering donations from people around the world for Haitians hit by tragic natural disasters. The Obama/Biden administration’s puppet president Martelly created the new corrupt and violent PHTK party to maintain control of the government.

This is the Obama/Biden administration’s wicked legacy in Haiti. As a future post will detail, the Obama/Biden administration’s evil foreign policy grievously harmed Blacks in Africa. Obama and Biden care only about power and wealth – not racial justice or women’s rights.

Adolph Hitler described in his 1925 book “Mein Kampf” the “Big Lie” technique that he and his propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, would use to convince the German people to exterminate the Jews.

Almost all of the Mainstream Media (MSM) are Democratic propagandists. The largest MSM propagandists are the Washington Post (WAPO), New York Times (NYT), CNN, National Public Radio (NPR), MSNBC, CBS, and ABC.

The Democrats and their MSM propagandists expertly use Hitler’s Big Lie technique by constant baseless accusations that Trump is racist, misogynist, xenophobic, mentally unfit, conspires with Putin, a grave danger to the country, a bully, psychologically unstable, a dictator, a Nazi, anti-Muslim, a fascist, incompetent, etc, etc. Although none are true, millions of Americans believe these lies and have an intense emotional hatred and fear of Trump just as Hitler’s Big Lie provoked an emotional fear and hatred of Jews.

Biden and Harris incessantly lie with impunity because their MSM propagandists cover for them. Trump has achieved much for the Black community and the country. Biden and Harris lie about the facts of his achievements, and lie about their own achievements. Biden says he will achieve “racial justice,” but the only significant ways he impacted Blacks in his 40-year political career were his 1994 Crime Bill causing mass Black incarceration and the Obama/Biden administration’s vile treatment of Haitians.

Thomas Sowell, the renowned African American economist, explains how the race card is played, “Any fool can say the word ‘racism.’ In fact, quite a few fools do say it. But clever people can also say ‘racism,’ in order to get fools to vote their way.” Professor Sowell explained that the 2020 election is at a tipping point:

The phrase ‘Systemic Racism’ “really has no meaning that can be specified and tested in the way that one tests hypotheses. It does remind me of the propaganda tactics of Joseph Goebbels, through the age of the Nazis, who also said people will believe any lie if it was repeated long enough and loud enough.

The Roman Empire overcame many problems in its long history, but eventually it reached a point where it simply could no longer continue on. And much of that was from within, not just the barbarians attacking from outside.

What I see is if the election goes to Biden, there’s a good chance that the Democrats will then control two branches of Congress and the White House, and considering the kinds of things that they are proposing, that could well be the point of no return for this country. [16]


  1. Henley, Jon. “Haiti: a long descent to hell.” (January 14, 2010).

  2. Quigley, Bill. “Why the US Owes Haiti Billions — The Briefest History.” (May 25, 2011).

  3. Henley, Jon. “Haiti: a long descent to hell.” (January 14, 2010).

  4. Padgett, Tim, Jessica Desvarieux. “The Woman Who Would Be Haiti’s Next President.” (November 15, 2010).

  5. Johnston, Jake. “After Haiti’s First-Round Elections, the Legacy of Intervention Looms Large.” (November 12, 2015).

  6. Johnston, Jake. “After the US pushed to overturn the 2010 election, agency gave a political movement backing Martelly support worth $100K.” (July 15, 2015).

  7. Johnston , Jake. “Clinton E-Mails Point to US Intervention in 2010 Haiti Elections.” (September 7, 2016).

  8. Dantó, Ezil. “Do U.S. women know Hillary Clinton & Co. put in a thug Haiti president who calls for men to beat, rape and sexual abuse women to shut them up?.” (August 6, 2015).

  9. Emails from Laura Graham (Chief Operating Officer of the Clinton Foundation) to Jon Davidson (Bill Clinton’s deputy chief of staff). (February 26, 2012).

  10. Hamm, Theodor. “How Hillary Helped Ruin Haiti.” (April 13, 2016).

  11. iIbid.

  12. Johnston, Jake. “After Haiti’s First-Round Elections, the Legacy of Intervention Looms Large.” (November 12, 2015).

  13. Danticat, Edwidge. “Demonstrators in Haiti Are Fighting for an Uncertain Future.” (October 10, 2019).

  14. Ives, Kim. “The Roots of Haiti’s Movement for PetroCaribe Transparency.” (September 18, 2018).

  15. Danticat, Edwidge. “Demonstrators in Haiti Are Fighting for an Uncertain Future.” (October 10, 2019).

  16. Creitz , Charles. “Thomas Sowell says concept of systemic racism ‘has no meaning,’ warns US could reach ‘point of no return’.” (July 12, 2020).