The Obama/Biden Syrian War Crimes

The Obama/Biden administration started another regime change war in Syria after they assassinated Gaddafi and left Libya devastated and in chaos. People protested the ruling dictators in some Muslim countries in the spring of 20011. The protests, called “the Arab Spring,” took place in Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Bahrain. In March 2011,…

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The Big Lie: Democrats Help Blacks (Libya Example)

In 2011, the Obama/Biden administration joined France, England, and certain Arab allies to wage war through a surrogate army to kill the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi (Gaddafi). They pre planned the war with a high official in Gaddafi’s government, Nouri Mesmari, who defected to France. For several months, Nouri Mesmari recruited Libyan militants in Benghazi…

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The Big Lie: Democrats Help Blacks (Haiti Example Summary)

Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton spoke eloquently at the 2020 Democratic National Convention about achieving racial justice and women’s rights. The Obama/Biden administration’s corrupt and criminal treatment of Blacks, and other minorities who are not American voters proves they lied. The first example is Haiti. The Obama/Biden administration wreaked unbelievable harm…

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